Updated to Latest Marlin Stable (Marlin
Parametrize BlueR Version Names
List of Features
Features | Implemented |
Display UI | New Marlin Color UI |
Advanced Pause | YES |
Mesh Bed Leveling | YES |
Corneling Leveling | YES |
Display Percentage | YES |
Junction Deviation | YES (0.02) |
Filament Sensor | YES |
Power Loss recovery | YES |
EEPROM | YES (STM32 Flash) |
RAM: [======== ] 79.3% (used 52000 bytes from 65536 bytes)
Flash: [===== ] 51.2% (used 268580 bytes from 524288 bytes)
BlueR V1 (TMC2208 and BMG Extruder)
BlueR V2 (TMC2225 and BMG Exruder)
For users who want to compile your own version, please refer to this two videos
For Old BlueR V1 (TMC2208 and metal extruder), you can use BlueR V1 and Set Esteps to 93
Config Files has fast configuration to TMC2209 too
For this, you need to uncomment line //#define BLUER_TMC2209 and compile it using auto build Marlin (video below)
Some BlueR V1 Users Related Wrong extruder direction. Please install E_INV version if you have problems with Extruder
Be careful. New BlueR Has nano V1.3 Board. Install version below can broke motherboard bootloader
You can Download kakarotojmsc pack with a lot of firmwares here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4728032