A simple, Twig-based component builder and styleguide compatible with Drupal.
$ composer install
$ composer run union:new
Component example:
├── buttons.data.yml
├── button.twig
├── button.css
└── button.libraries.yml
Library example:
# button.libraries.yml
button.css: {}
button.js: {}
- base
Union Organizer is a custom Drupal 8 module configures Twig namespacing and adds components and skins as Drupal libraries. See the Union Organizer readme for installation and documentation.
Abstracts Drupal Attribute functionality so that attributes can be dynamically created or added to from within a template. See the form
This package is published to Packagist. To create a new release:
- Refactor colors. Define names in global but actual colors in skins.
- Actually use libraries to build css rather than single union.css and union.js files.
- In all cases, skin CSS should be loaded after component CSS.
- Cleaner separation of component and skin typography.