The sample acts as a REST server accepting Nexmo webhook requests and providing endpoints to execute the sample code.
npm install
Copy provided template and fill in:
cp env-template .env
Start ngrok:
ngrok http 3000
Use provided js to query ngrok public url and setup the nexmo app webhooks
node set-app-webhook.js
node index.js
Send SMS
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/messages -d'{"type":"sms", "to":"<RECIPIENT-NUMBER>", "content": {"type":"text", "text":"Sent via Nexmo Messaging & Dispatch API"}}'
Send text to Facebook messenger
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/messages -d'{"type":"messenger", "to":"<FACEBOOK-RECIPINET-ID>", "content": {"type":"text", "text":"Sent via Nexmo Messaging & Dispatch API"}}'
Send image to Facebook messenger
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/messages -d'{"type":"messenger", "to":"FACEBOOK-RECIPINET-ID", "content": {"type":"image", "image":{"url":""}}}'
Execute dispatch fallback workflow
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/dispatch -d'{"to":"RECIPIENT-NUMBER", "fallback":"FACEBOOK-RECIPINET-ID", "text": "Your item has been delivered", "image_url":""}'