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Navigator is a generic navigation framework for view controllers. It can decouple the dependency of different modules/components/view controllers.


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Navigator is a generic navigation framework for view controllers. It can decouple the dependency of different modules/components/view controllers.


  • Navigate among view controllers by PageObject model
  • Pass business data by PageBizData protocol among view controllers
  • Support navigation mode with push, present and overlay
  • Support deep link and universal link
  • Goto any view controller of any navigator by goto mode
  • Set context data and share it among view controllers
  • Custmize view controller transition animation



Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler. To integrate Navigator into your Xcode project, specify it in your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To integrate Navigator into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'SmartNavigator', '~> 1.0'


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate Navigator into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "ikrisliu/Navigator" ~> 1.0


Initialize Root View Controller

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    // Decoupling Way: Recommend to use this way among modules
    // View controller class name (The swift class name should be "ModuleName.ClassName")
    let main = PageObject(vcName: .init(rawValue: "ModuleName.ViewController"), mode: .reset, options: .navName(.init(rawValue: "UINavigationController"))
    // Coupling Way: Recommend to use this way inside one module
    let main = PageObject(vcClass: ViewController.self, navCmode: .reset, options: .navClass(UINavigationController.self))
    Navigator.root.window = window
    return true
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    let master = PageObject(vcClass: MasterViewController.self, mode: .reset, options: .navClass(UINavigationController.self))
    let detail = PageObject(vcClass: DetailViewController.self, mode: .reset, options: .navClass(UINavigationController.self))
    let split = PageObject(vcClass: SplitViewController.self, mode: .reset, options: .children([master, detail]))
    Navigator.root.window = window
    return true
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    let firstTab = PageObject(vcClass: TabItemViewController.self, mode: .reset, options: .navClass(UINavigationController.self))
    let master = PageObject(vcClass: MasterViewController.self, mode: .reset, options: .navClass(UINavigationController.self))
    let detail = PageObject(vcClass: DetailViewController.self, mode: .reset, options: .navClass(UINavigationController.self))
    let secondTab = PageObject(vcClass: SplitViewController.self, mode: .reset, options: .children([master, detail]))
    let tabs = PageObject(vcClass: UITabBarController.self, mode: .reset, options: .children([firstTab, secondTab]))
    Navigator.root.window = window
    return true

Open / Close

Supported navigation mode: Push, Present, Overlay and Goto

class ContentPageData : PageBizData {
    let message: String
    init(message: String) {
        self.message = message

class DetailViewController: UIViewController {
    let data = ContentPageData(message: "You can pass any type object which need to implement PageBizData protocol")

    @objc private func onTapShowViewControler() {
        // Decoupling Way
        let page = PageObject(vcName: .init(rawValue: "ModuleName.CustomViewController"), mode: .push)
        // Coupling Way
        let page = PageObject(
            vcClass: UIViewController.self,
            mode: .push,
    @objc private func onTapShowPopoverViewControler() {
        let size = view.bounds.size
        // Show bottom sheet
        let page = PageObject(
            vcClass: UIViewController.self,
            mode: .overlay,
                .sourceRect(.init(origin: .init(x: 0, y: size.height - 500), size: .init(width: size.width, height: 500)))
        // Show center popup
        let page = PageObject(
            vcClass: UIViewController.self,
            mode: .present,
                .sourceRect(.init(origin: .init(x: 20, y: (size.height - 300) / 2), size: .init(width: size.width - 40, height: 300)))
    @objc private func onTapDismissViewControler() {
        navigator?.close(data)          // Close the current view controller
        navigator?.backToRoot(data)     // Back to root view controller of current navigator
        navigator?.backTo(OneViewController.self)   // Back to someone specific view controller which in navigtor stack


Use Safari or other approaches to test the deep link

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    // Show top view controller base on current vc stack
    let page = PageObject(vcClass: TopViewController.self)

    // Show top view controller base on current vc stack url) { _ -> PageObject? in
        // Parse the deep link url to below page object for showing
        return PageObject(vcClass: TopViewController.self)

    // Show a chain of view controllers from root vc url) { _ -> PageObject? in
        // Parse the deep link url to below page objects for showing
        let root = PageObject(vcClass: MainViewController.self, mode: .reset, options: .navClass(UINavigationController.self))
        let middle = PageObject(vcClass: MiddleViewController.self)
        let top = PageObject(vcClass: TopViewController.self)

        return root => middle => top

    return true

Transition Animation

Create custom transition class inherits the Transition class and override below two methods. Then pass transition class with custom transition class name in page object.

class CustomTransition: Transition {
    @objc open func animatePresentationTransition(isShow: Bool, from fromView: UIView?, to toView: UIView?, completion: VoidClosure? = nil) { }
    @objc open func animateNavigationTransition(isShow: Bool, from fromView: UIView?, to toView: UIView?, completion: VoidClosure? = nil) { }

class DetailViewController: UIViewController {
    @objc private func onTapShowViewControler() {
        let page = PageObject(vcClass: UIViewController.self, mode: .present, options: .transitionStyle(.flipHorizontal))
        // or
        let page = PageObject(vcClass: UIViewController.self, mode: .present, options: .transitionClass(CustomTransition.self))


Data Passing

class DetailViewController: UIViewController, Navigatable {
    private var data: PageBizData?
    // Current VC receive page object from previous VC after the current one initialized (before `viewDidLoad`)
    // - Note: Only called one time after the VC initialized
    func onPageDidInitialize(_ page: PageObject, fromVC: UIViewController) {
        title = page.title
        data = page.bizData
    // Current VC receive data before the current VC show (before `viewDidLoad`)
    // - Note: May called multiple times since the view appear mutiple times
    @objc optional func onDataReceiveBeforeShow(_ data: PageBizData?, fromVC: UIViewController) { = data
    // Previous VC receive data from current VC after the current one dismiss animation end
    func onDataReceiveAfterBack(_ data: PageBizData?) { = data

Context Data

If set context data in view controller A and open view controller B => C by sequence, you can easily get the context data in view controller B or C.

class ViewControllerA: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        setContext(["data": "This is context data."])

class ViewControllerC: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {


Navigator is a generic navigation framework for view controllers. It can decouple the dependency of different modules/components/view controllers.







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