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PotS edited this page Jan 11, 2025 · 13 revisions

Note: This wiki may use "Lifebar" and "Fight Screen" interchangeably.

layerno is an element that allows you to set the layer on which the display element will be drawn. Layer 0 is in front of the background, but behind the players. Layer 1 is in front of the players, but behind the foreground. Layer 2 is in front of the foreground. The default is usually layer 0.

Ikemen GO also supports an additional layer, -1, which works the same as layer 0, but is rendered before it. With the correct use of this layer, you can change the rendering order of various lifebar groups and elements (for example, rendering faces below the life gauge), without affecting how the lifebar is drawn in relation to the players.

Similarly to PalFX state controller lifebar anim and spr elements can have temporary or permanent effects applied to their palettes via palfx element types:

  • palfx.time: duration: specifies the number of ticks that the palette effects should last (default: -1 - infinite)
  • palfx.add: add_r, add_g, add_b: see below
  • palfx.mul: mul_r, mul_g, mul_b: each add component is added to the appropriate component of the palette, and the result is multiplied by the appropriate mul component divided by 256 (default: no change, i.e. add = 0,0,0 and mul = 256,256,256)
  • palfx.sinadd: ampl_r, ampl_g, ampl_b, period: creates an additional sine-wave palette addition effect (period specifies the period of the sine wave in game ticks, and the amplitude parameters control the amplitude of the sine wave for the respective components)
  • palfx.sinmul: ampl_r, ampl_g, ampl_b, period: Similliar to "sinadd" parameter but instead it creates effect related to "mul" parameter.
  • palfx.sincolor: ampl, period: Similliar to "sinadd" parameter but instead it creates effect related to "color" parameter.
  • palfx.invertall: if non-zero, then the colors in the palette will be inverted (applied before effects of add and mul), creating a "film negative" effect (default: 0)
  • palfx.color: this affects the color level of the palette (applied before invertall, add and mul) - if value is 0, the palette will be greyscale; if value is 256, there is no change in palette; values in between will have an intermediate effect (default: 256, range 0 to 256)

Hint: When it comes to lifebars the main use case of palfx is adjusting palette without need to duplicate sprites to do so.


p1.front90.palfx.mul = 250,224,120

All sections that have access to background elements rendering (bg, bg0 etc.) also support an additional layer, called top, which is rendered on top of the other elements from the same layer.

Additional layout settings can be used with display element types such as spr, anim, and text. The window setting specifies a rectangular box with (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) at opposite corners, with the upper left corner of the screen as (0, 0). Only the part of the display element type that comes within this box (the "window") will be drawn. If you do not need the windowing effect, you can omit this line.

teamX.text.text can display the following data:

  • %i: combo count (already existing in MUGEN)
  • %d: combo damage (integer value returning the total combo damage up to this point)
  • %p: combo damage percentage in relation to the maximum life

The combo percentage value can be formatted using the following new parameters:

  • format.decimal.places: how many decimal places should the percentage damage be rounded to (0 means no decimal point will be shown)
  • format.decimal.separator: what symbol should be used to separate the decimal points of the value
  • teamX.counter.time: length of the counter shake (default: 7)
  • teamX.counter.mult: counter shake intensity multiplier (default: 0.05)
  • teamX.showspeed: text showing up speed (1 = instant; default = 8)
  • teamX.hidespeed: text hiding speed (the larger value, the faster speed; default = 4)

pX.ko: spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)

Works just like turns mode pX.teammate.ko, with an overlay rendered on top of the defeated party member.

pX.face.palshare: set to 0 to disable face portrait palette sharing with character sprites (default: 1, WinMugen and MUGEN 1.0 behavior)

pX.face.palfxshare: set to 1 to allow PalFX affecting character to also affect face portrait (default: 0, mugen 1.1 behavior)

fx1 / fx2 / fx3: common fx file declaration. These parameters work like CommonFX from config.json.

author (nightly build only)

Lifebars now accept an author name parameter like characters and stages. It allows characters to identify them with the FightScreenVar trigger.

Some "D4" (high-resolution) lifebars made for the 2002 version of MUGEN require the Doubleres = 4 parameter in mugen.cfg. Mugen 1.0 replaced the Doubleres functionality with coordinate spaces. Setting this option to 1 replicates the Doubleres = 4 lifebar behavior (all fonts are scaled down by 50%). The default setting is 0.

localcoord sets the width and height of the local coordinate space, which is the same as the screenpack's localcoord by default. In MUGEN, lifebars always use the same localcoord as the screenpack. This parameter allows you to set a coordinate space for the lifebar that is independent of the screenpack.

name (nightly build only)

Lifebars now accept a name parameter like characters and stages. It allows characters to identify them with the FightScreenVar trigger.

Parameters are used to shift from one sprite/animation (front and mid elements) to another sprite/animation (shift element) depending on the amount of life. This is done by automatically adjusting the trans addalpha values of the shift element rendered on top of the front and mid elements.

  • pX.shift: spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • mid.shift: set to 1 to make the shift element also affect mid element (default: 0)

Specifying a warning percentage range and an element will draw a sprite or animation when life values are within range (pX.warn.range and pX.warn, respectively). Displays the 'warn' layer once the life, guard points or stun points are within pX.warn.range.

  • pX.warn.range: integer pair interpreted as percentages of the bar, for example pX.warn.range = 20,1 will trigger the pX.warn element when lifebar percentage is between 20% and 1% (nearly depleted for lifebar).
  • pX.warn: sprite or animation layer with all the standard elements such as offset, layerno, facing, vfacing, and spr or anim.

For example, for p1 to display animation 6 when the bar is between 20% and 1% (i.e. nearly depleted for lifebar):

p1.warn.range = 20,1
p1.warn.anim = 6
p1.warn.offset = 0,0
p1.warn.layerno = 0
p1.warn.facing = 1
p1.warn.vfacing = 1
  • pX.value: followed by usual suffixes to control font, displayed string, and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window)
  • pX.value.text: element that adjusts the displayed string, accepts following variables: %d = life value, %p = percentage life value

front element can store additional value in its name, using following format:


spr / anim added like this replaces default front element, if life percentage is higher or equals the <life_percentage>. For example pX.front90.spr means that lifebar will use sprite/animation assigned by this element if player's health ratio is between 90-100%, otherwise default pX.front element is used. There can be multiple spr/anim assignments with extra value (no hard limits). spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)

Controls Red Life bar visuals. If enabled, the bar is rendered at the bottom (below mid and front elements)

red element can store additional value in its name, using following format:


spr / anim added like this replaces default red element, if red life value is higher or equals the <redlife_value>. For example pX.red100.spr means that red life will use sprite/animation assigned by this element if player's red life reaches 100, otherwise default element is used. There can be multiple spr/anim assignments with extra value (no hard limits).

  • mid.freeze: 0 disables mid element wait during gethit/combo (default: 1)
  • mid.delay: frames before mid element starts decreasing (default: 30)
  • mid.mult: moving relation between mid value and life (default: 1.0)
  • mid.steps: mid value decreasing steps (default: 8)

In mugen counter element is used for printing current powerbar level. Ikemen GO unhardcodes string used by this element.

pX.counter.text: element that adjusts the displayed string, accepts %i variable (replaced with power level)

Parameters used for shifting from one spr/anim (front and mid element) into another spr/anim (shift element), depending on amount of power (done by automatically adjusting trans addalpha values of shift element rendered on top of front and mid element)

  • pX.shift: spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • mid.shift: set to 1 to make the shift element also affect mid element (default: 0)

front element can store additional value in its name, using following format:


spr / anim added like this replaces default front element, if power value is higher or equals the <power_value>. For example pX.front3000.spr means that powerbar will use sprite/animation assigned by this element if player's power reaches level 3 (3000), otherwise default pX.front element is used. There can be multiple spr/anim assignments with extra value (no hard limits).

  • pX.value: followed by usual suffixes to control font, displayed string, and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window)
  • pX.value.text: element that adjusts the displayed string, accepts following variables: %d = power value, %p = percentage power value

Configurable lifebar power value rounding

  • p#.counter.format.rounding int defaults: 1000
    Changes the rounding of p#.counter.text.

  • p#.value.format.power.rounding int defaults: 1
    Changes the rounding of p#.value.text.

  • pX.levelbars: 1 changes single bar design into separate bars for each power level (default: 0)

In Mugen round.default.snd assignment didn't work at all. In Ikemen GO it will trigger once there are no more valid 'roundX.snd' sound assignments that match the current round number.

Single round elements (nightly build only)

If it exists, the round.single. group will be used when the match consists of only 1 round.

round.single.offset = 640, 480
round.single.font = 1, 0, 0
round.single.text = "Get ready!"
round.single.displaytime = 60
round.single.scale = 1, 1
round.single.snd = 0, 11

If it exists, the assignment will trigger in the final round instead of 'roundX.' assignment.

Optional background and top layer functionality was added to the round_default, round_final, fight, ko, dko, to, draw, win, win2, win3 and win4 elements:

  • .top: top layer feature; allows sprite or animation displayed on top of all other layers. layerno is enabled for this layer but is always rendered last in its respective stack.
  • .bgX: where X is a number 0-32. Allows a sprite or animation layer to be displayed under the parent layers (see list of supported parent layers below). Additionally, layerno is enabled for these layers, enabling rendering of animations/sprites in the background or foreground to achieve complex effects (i.e. wrapping around characters).

These layers do not support the displaytime argument: for example, the round.default.bgX layers are erased when round.default and roundX (as applicable) have reached their displaytime, or when callfight is triggered.

Background and top layer functionality is available for these parent elements:


The rendering order for round.default is now as follows:


The rendering order for parent elements other than round.default are as follows (example granted with fight element):


levelX.snd parameter from [Powerbar] section now supports pX. prefix in order to optionally differentiate sounds among players (or to disable them for particular player) by assigning dummy sound entry).

  • slow.fadetime: KO slowdown fade length (default: 75% of slow.time)
  • slow.speed: KO slowdown game speed adjustment (default: 0.25)


slow.time = 60
slow.speed = 0.25
slow.fadetime = 45

It works as follows: KO slowdown starts as soon as the opponent team is defeated. Total KO slowdown duation is equal slow.time amount of frames (60). The game speed is multiplied by slow.speed value (25%), which in this example lasts for 15 frames (with default speed affected by slow.speed it ends up being 1s), and than is linearly restored to 100% of the original speed in the duration of slow.fadetime (45 frames).

  • fadein.time: round start fade time (default: 30)
  • fadein.col: round start fade color (default: 0,0,0)
  • fadeout.time: round end fade time (default: 30, extends over.time if fadeout.time is longer)
  • fadeout.col: round end fade color (default: 0,0,0)
  • shutter.time: skip intro fade time (default: 15, whole anim is twice as long)
  • shutter.col: skip intro fade color (default: 0,0,0)

In mugen time between round element is triggered and the fight is called is hardcoded to 60 frames. In Ikemen GO this value can be adjusted via following parameter:

  • callfight.time: time to wait before starting fight (default: 60)

If parameter with .snd suffix is specified, win elements (win, win2, win3, win4) and/or drawn element also trigger sound.

win elements (win, win2, win3, win4) can be prefixed with p1. and/or p2., allowing lifebar to render different win text/spr/anim for team 1 and team 2.

Ikemen GO supports 2 more team size dependant win elements:

  • win3: for matches with 3 players
  • win4: for matches with 4 and more players

If not specified lifebar uses win2 element.

Following win type events are supported:

  • n: win by normal attack
  • s: win by special attack
  • h: win by hyper attack
  • c: win by cheese (defeated when blocking)
  • t: win by time over
  • throw: win by normal throw
  • suicide: win by suicide
  • teammate: being defeated by your own teammate
  • perfect: perfect round

perfect win type always happens upon round won without taking any damage. Remaining win types are mutually exclusive.

Use p1 or p2 prefix, depending on winning team, followed by win type event name, followed by usual parameters:

  • pos
  • bg: spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • text: followed by usual suffixes to control font, displayed string, and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window)
  • time: how many ticks since KO until text/bg should be rendered
  • displaytime: how long to render text/bg
  • snd: sound to play
  • sndtime: how many ticks since KO until snd should play

Example assignments:

p1.perfect.pos = 0, 0 = 60, 170 = 80
p1.perfect.text.offset = 60, 170
p1.perfect.text.font = 1,0
p1.perfect.text.text = Perfect!
p1.perfect.time = 100
p1.perfect.displaytime = 200
p1.perfect.snd = 1,0
p1.perfect.sndtime = 100

Support for p5, p6, p7, p8 parameters assignment in existing [Simul Face] section.

Support for p5, p6, p7, p8 parameters assignment in existing [Simul Name] section.

counter.font element can store additional value in its name, using following format:


font assigned like this replaces default counter.font element, if round time is higher or equals the <time_value>. For example counter10.font means that counter element will use this font if round time is equal or greater than 10s, otherwise default counter.font element is used. There can be multiple font assignments with extra value (no hard limits).

Additional parameters for displaying turns mode teammates names. Defeated teammates names are not rendered.

  • pX.teammate.pos
  • spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • followed by usual suffixes to control font and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window)
  • pX.teammate.spacing: x, y spacing between teammate names

In mugen counter element is used for printing how many matches have been won (once internal counter exceeds useiconupto parameter value). Ikemen GO unhardcodes string used by this element.

pX.counter.text: element that adjusts the displayed string, accepts %i variable (replaced with win count)

Definition parameters for displaying text/sprites/anims messages called by LifebarAction state controller.

Supported parameters: (in all cases teamX refers to team side - team1 / team2)

  • teamX.pos: coords to show
  • teamX.max: maximum number of simultaneous messages (nightly build only)
  • teamX.spacing: x, y spacing between messages
  • teamX.start.x: starting x-coords
  • message background element spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • teamX.front.offset: offset used by spr/anim called via sctrl
  • teamX.front.scale: scale used by spr/anim called via sctrl
  • teamX.text: followed by usual suffixes to control font and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window)
  • teamX.displaytime: time to show text
  • teamX.showspeed: message showing up speed (1 = instant)
  • teamX.hidespeed: message hiding speed (the larger value, the faster speed)

Refer to data/fight.def (240p) and data/mugen1/fight.def (720p) files for a working example.

Displays the difficulty level when the player is controlled by the CPU. Supported parameters:

  • pX.pos
  • spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • pX.text: followed by usual suffixes to control font, displayed string, and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window) pX.text.text element that adjusts the displayed string, accepts following variables: %s = AI level value (from 1 to 8), %p= AI level displayed as percentage of the max value
  • format.decimal.places: to how many decimal places should the AI level be rounded to (0 means no decimal point will be shown at all)
  • format.decimal.separator: what symbol should be used to separate decimal points of the value
  • pX.enabled.modeName: set to 1 to enable rendering this element in particular game mode (default: 0)

Where pX is p1 and/or p2, depending on team side. modeName should be changed to one of the strings returned by GameMode trigger.

Controls guard bar rendering if Guard Break is enabled in the ingame options. The supported parameters are mostly the same as [Lifebar]. In addition it supports the following parameter:

  • pX.invertfill: a value of 1 will reverse how the bar works, making it empty when the player's points are full, and full when the points are 0. (nightly build only)


p1.pos = 266, 61
p1.range.x = -6, -120
p1.invertfill = 0
p1.bg0.anim = 90
p1.bg0.offset = -6, 5
p1.bg0.layerno = 0
p1.bg1.spr = 91, 0
p1.bg1.layerno = 0
p1.front.spr = 92, 0
p1.front.offset = -6, 5
p1.front.layerno = 0
p1.warn.range = 0, 0
p1.warn.spr = 95, 0
p1.warn.palfx.sinadd = 128, 128, 128, 10
p1.warn.palfx.mul = 256, 128, 128
p1.warn.palfx.sinmul = 0, 128, 128, 10
p1.warn.offset = -63, 2
p1.warn.layerno = 0

Controls match number element rendering (used by default in modes like Survival, VS 100 Kumite, Boss Rush). Supported parameters:

  • pos: x, y coordinates
  • bg: spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • text: followed by usual suffixes to control font, displayed string, and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window) text.text element that adjusts the displayed string, accepts following variables: %s = match number
  • enabled.modeName: set to 1 to enable rendering this element in particular game mode (default: 0)

Where modeName should be changed to one of the strings returned by GameMode trigger.

Allows to render lifebar element that should be unique for particular game mode. Supported parameters:

  • modeName.pos: x, y coordinates
  • spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • modeName.text: followed by usual suffixes to control font, displayed string, and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window)

Where modeName prefix should be changed to one of the strings returned by GameMode trigger.

Controls ratio mode icons rendering (visible only when ratio team mode is selected). Supported parameters:

  • pX.pos: x, y coordinates
  • pX.levelY: spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)

where: pX is p1 or p2 and levelY refers to ratio level (level1, level2, level3, level4)

Controls score counter element rendering (used by default in modes like Arcade, Score Challenge). Supported parameters:

  • pX.pos: x, y coordinates
  • spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • pX.text: followed by usual suffixes to control font, displayed string, and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window) pX.text.text element that adjusts the displayed string, accepts following variables: %s = score value
  • pX.enabled.modeName: set to 1 to enable rendering this element in particular game mode (default: 0)

Where pX is p1 and/or p2, depending on team side. modeName should be changed to one of the strings returned by GameMode trigger.

  • format.integer.pad: integer left padding (leading zeros)
  • format.integer.separator: what symbol should be used as thousands separator (none by default)
  • format.decimal.places: to how many decimal places should the score be rounded to (0 means no decimal point will be shown at all, even if score is added with floating point)
  • format.decimal.separator: what symbol should be used to separate decimal points of the value

Face layout for simul team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Simul Face], if present.

Face layout for simul team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Simul Face], if present.

Lifebar layout for simul team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Simul Lifebar], if present.

Lifebar layout for simul team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Simul Lifebar], if present.

Name layout for simul team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Simul Name], if present.

Name layout for simul team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Simul Name], if present.

Powerbar layout for simul team mode, replacing [Powerbar], if present.

Powerbar layout for simul team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Simul Powerbar], if present.

Powerbar layout for simul team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Simul Powerbar], if present.

Guardbar layout for simul team mode, replacing [Guardbar], if present.

Guardbar layout for simul team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Simul Guardbar], if present.

Guardbar layout for simul team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Simul Guardbar], if present.

Stunbar layout for simul team mode, replacing [Stunbar], if present.

Stunbar layout for simul team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Simul Stunbar], if present.

Stunbar layout for simul team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Simul Stunbar], if present.

Controls stun (dizzy) bar rendering if Dizzy is enabled in the ingame options. The supported parameters are mostly the same as [Lifebar]. In addition it supports the following parameters:

  • pX.invertfill: a value of 1 will reverse how the bar works, making it empty when the player's points are full, and full when the points are 0. (nightly build only)

Note: Up until Ikemen GO 0.99 the equivalent of pX.invertfill = 1 was hardcoded.


p1.pos = 390, 61
p1.range.x = -6, -120
p1.invertfill = 0
p1.bg0.anim = 90
p1.bg0.offset = -6, 5
p1.bg0.layerno = 0
p1.bg1.spr = 91, 0
p1.bg1.layerno = 0
p1.front.spr = 93, 0
p1.front.offset = -6, 5
p1.front.layerno = 0
p1.warn.range = 0, 0
p1.warn.spr = 96, 0
p1.warn.palfx.sinadd = 128, 128, 128, 10
p1.warn.palfx.mul = 256, 128, 128
p1.warn.palfx.sinmul = 0, 128, 128, 10
p1.warn.offset = -63, 2
p1.warn.layerno = 0

Face layout for tag team mode, replacing [Simul Face], if present.

Face layout for tag team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Simul Face], if present.

Face layout for tag team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Simul Face], if present.

Lifebar layout for tag team mode, replacing [Simul Lifebar], if present.

Lifebar layout for tag team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Tag Lifebar], if present.

Lifebar layout for tag team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Tag Lifebar], if present.

Name layout for tag team mode, replacing [Simul Name], if present.

Name layout for tag team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Tag Name], if present.

Name layout for tag team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Tag Name], if present.

Powerbar layout for tag team mode, replacing [Powerbar], if present.

Powerbar layout for tag team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Tag Powerbar], if present.

Powerbar layout for tag team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Tag Powerbar], if present.

Guardbar layout for tag team mode, replacing [Guardbar], if present.

Guardbar layout for tag team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Tag Guardbar], if present.

Guardbar layout for tag team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Tag Guardbar], if present.

Stunbar layout for tag team mode, replacing [Stunbar], if present.

Stunbar layout for tag team mode consisting of 3 players, replacing [Tag Stunbar], if present.

Stunbar layout for tag team mode consisting of at least 4 players, replacing [Tag Stunbar], if present.

Powerbar layout for turns team mode, replacing [Powerbar], if present.

Guardbar layout for turns team mode, replacing [Guardbar], if present.

Stunbar layout for turns team mode, replacing [Stunbar], if present.

Controls timer element rendering (used by default in modes like Time Attack and Time Challenge). Supported parameters:

  • pos: x, y coordinates
  • bg: spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • text: followed by usual suffixes to control font, displayed string, and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window) text.text element that adjusts the displayed string, accepts following variables: %m = minutes, %s = seconds, %x = milliseconds
  • enabled.modeName: set to 1 to enable rendering this element in particular game mode (default: 0)

where modeName should be changed to one of the strings returned by GameMode trigger.

Controls win counter element rendering (used by default in Versus type modes). Supported parameters:

  • pX.pos: x, y coordinates
  • spr/anim assignment, layout settings (offset, facing, vfacing, layerno, scale, angle, window)
  • pX.text: followed by usual suffixes to control font, displayed string, and text layout settings (offset, facing, layerno, scale, window) pX.text.text element that adjusts the displayed string, accepts following variables: %s = win value
  • pX.enabled.modeName: set to 1 to enable rendering this element in particular game mode (default: 0)

Where pX is p1 and/or p2, depending on team side. modeName should be changed to one of the strings returned by GameMode trigger.

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