Basilisp is a Python-based Lisp implementation that offers broad compatibility with Clojure. For more details, check out the documentation.
is a source code port of the clojure.pprint
core library to Basilisp.
The clojure.pprint
library provides pretty formatting capabilities for common Clojure data structures such as lists, maps, sets, vectors, as well as Clojure code. The library allows for customizable printing through various options and parameters.
provides these capabilities to Basilisp as an external library, allowing you to use it while the native basilisp.pprint
support (note the dot in the name) is still in development. This includes enhanced API features, such as the cl-format function.
To install basilisp-pprint
, run:
pip install basilisp-pprint
To use the library, require it as basilisp-pprint.pprint
in your Basilisp code.
For general usage instructions, refer to the clojure.pprint documentation
(require '[basilisp-pprint.pprint :as p])
(def big-map (zipmap
[:a :b :c :d :e]
(zipmap [:a :b :c :d :e]
(take 5 (range))))))
;; => #'user/big-map
;; => {:e {:e 4 :a 0 :c 2 :d 3 :b 1} :a {:e 4 :a 0 :c 2 :d 3 :b 1} :c {:e 4 :a 0 :c 2 :d 3 :b 1} :d {:e 4 :a 0 :c 2 :d 3 :b 1} :b {:e 4 :a 0 :c 2 :d 3 :b 1}}
(p/pprint big-map)
;; {:e {:e 4, :a 0, :c 2, :d 3, :b 1},
;; :a {:e 4, :a 0, :c 2, :d 3, :b 1},
;; :c {:e 4, :a 0, :c 2, :d 3, :b 1},
;; :d {:e 4, :a 0, :c 2, :d 3, :b 1},
;; :b {:e 4, :a 0, :c 2, :d 3, :b 1}}
;; get Clojure snippets to print nicely
(require '[basilisp-pprint.pprint :as p]
(def lost-formatting
"(defn op [sel] (condp = sel :plus + :minus - :mult *
:div / :rem rem :quot quot :mod mod))")
;; => #'user/lost-formatting
(basilisp.edn/read-string lost-formatting)))
;; (defn op [sel]
;; (condp = sel
;; :plus +
;; :minus -
;; :mult *
;; :div /
;; :rem rem
;; :quot quot
;; :mod mod))
;; pprint with metadata
(require '[basilisp-pprint.pprint :as p])
(binding [*print-meta* true]
(p/pprint ^{:hello :world} {}))
;; ^{:hello :world} {}
;; If there are keys not in the first row, and/or you want to specify only
;; some, or in a particular order, give the desired keys as the first arg.
(require '[basilisp-pprint.pprint :as p])
(p/print-table [:b :a] [{:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} {:b 5 :a 7 :c "dog"}])
;; | :b | :a |
;; |----+----|
;; | 2 | 1 |
;; | 5 | 7 |
;; cl-format example
(require '[basilisp-pprint.pprint :as p])
(let [name "Alice"
born 1999
hobbies ["reading" "hiking" "hacking"]]
(-> (p/cl-format nil "Name: ~A~%Born: ~@R~%Hobbies: ~{~A~^, ~}~%"
;; Name: Alice
;; Born: MCMXCIX
;; Hobbies: reading, hiking, hacking
The approach taken for this port was to make as few changes as possible to the original clojure.pprint
source code in order to maintain consistency. While the current implementations is feature-complete and works quite well, it has not yet been fully optimized for Python.
To run the test suite, use the following command:
basilsp test
This project is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0. See the LICENSE file for details.
@chrisrink10, for developing Basilisp and ensuring API compatibility with Clojure, enabling smooth ports of Clojure source code to Python.
;;; pprint.clj -- Pretty printer and Common Lisp compatible format function (cl-format) for Clojure
; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
;; Author: Tom Faulhaber
;; April 3, 2009
;; Porting to Basilisp initiated from Clojure,
;; based on the code available at