Build models in your demo application to manage company database. Company has many of employees(name, email, phone, employee_id). Each company has an address. Each employee has an address. Add salary details of employee which will store designation and monthly salary.
- Emails and Phones should be unique
- name supports only alphabets and spaces.
- email should be stored in a valid format
- phone should be stored in a valid format and should not support alphabets.
- monthly salary should be greater than zero ;-)
Top 5 earning employees
- All employees in Pune(or any other city)
- Search any employee via name and/or email should return the name email and his/her address
- List of employees earning between 10K to 50K
you are free to add other validations and features.
Run - rake db:setup
Fire up rails console and call the following model methods to perform the above 3 queries.
1. Address.in_city("CityName") default cityname = pune
2. <CompanyObject>.search(name:"Name",email:"[email protected]"), can accept either name or email or both.
3. Employee.salary_between(10000,50000) , default lower=0 , upper = 10000000 .
Seed file creates two companies, RailsCorp and Oscorp. Each company has a random set of employees except for one employee who is present in both the companies "Ishan Kanade".