Releases: ijpb/MorphoLibJ
MorphoLibJ v1.5.1 with Fill Label Holes
An upate of MorphoLibJ that implement a "Fill Label Holes" plugin, following the discussion in
MorphoLibJ v1.5.1
This is release 1.5.1 of MorphoLibJ, a library for Mathematical Morphology with ImageJ/Fiji. Version 1.5.1 is mostly a bug-fix release without new feature.
Bug fixes:
- Add "Verwer" chamfer mask for 2D images.
- (plugins) use CHESSKNIGHT chamfer mask as default for plugins "chamfer distance map" and "distance transform watershed"
- fix management of 1-voxel regions, and orientation of azimut (phi) of 3D Ellipsoids
- plugins/MorphologicalReconstruction(2D/3D): terminate plugin when image size do not match
- refactor (add support for macro recording)
- speed up unit tests by working on a sub-sampled version of bat cochlea image
MorphoLibJ 1.5.1 beta
this release is for testing the macro recording of the "Assign measure to value" plugin.
MorphoLibJ v1.5.0
This is release 1.5.0 of MorphoLibJ, a library for Mathematical Morphology with ImageJ/Fiji. Version 1.5.0 is mostly a "cleanup" release: the menu was re-organized, many classes were refactored, and a lot of code comments were updated. This release is expected to be easier to use and to better interoperate with other plugins.
New features:
- Morphological Segmentation now supports a new "Compactness" parameter
- chamfer mask 3D distance maps can now use up to six different weights
- Main menu re-organized to be more intuitive
- added a small offset when computing dilation of label maps
- refactored the computation of distance maps based on chamfer masks
- GeodesicDistanceTransform3D can now also manage label images
Bug fixes:
- fixed dilation of label maps encoded with floats
- fixed bug in management of 3D connectivity in GrayscaleAttributeFiltering3D plugin
- fixed rounding error in computation of normaliozed distance maps encoded with 16-bits integers
- fixed a bug when closing the LabelEdition window
- updated the continuous-integration workflow
- cleanup the javadoc comments
This is release of MorphoLibJ, a library for Mathematical Morphology with ImageJ/Fiji.
This is mostly a bug-fix release, with following updates:
- fixed label dilation for label maps encoded with floats
- added small offset for dilation of labels
- fixed bug in management of connectivity in 3D Grayscale attribute filtering
- fixed rounding error in computation of normalized distance maps encoded with 16-bits integers
MorphoLibJ v1.4.3
This is release 1.4.3 of MorphoLibJ, a library for Mathematical Morphology with ImageJ/Fiji.
New features (from 1.4.2) include:
- added "Plugins -> MorphoLibJ -> Labels -> Dilate Labels"
- added "Merge Labels" plugin, for merging region separated by a 1-pixel-wide gap.
- added pixel_count and voxel_count to AnalyzeRegionsXD plugins
- fixed bug when applying waeresehd with dams and mask
- fixed bug in the selection of labels based on their size.
- fixed bug for erosion/dilation of disk strel with radius 0
- fixed computation of max values in case of negative values
- fixed bug for running in macro mode with image… …
- updated user manual
Code refactoring:
- factorized code for connectivities
- created specific class for binary overlay
- moved color-related classes into inra.ijpb.color package.
- refactor chamfer weights
Known bugs:
- The Plugin "Grayscale Attribute Filtering 3D" is not working in this version. Previous versions contain a valid version of the plugin.
This is a pre-release version containing the new plugin "Plugins -> MorphoLibJ -> Labels -> Dilate Labels"
This is release of MorphoLibJ, a library for mathematical morphology with ImageJ.
New features fixes a bug in the selection of labels based on their size. It also includes a new plugin for merging region separated by a 1-pixel-wide gap.
MorphoLibJ 1.4.2
This is release 1.4.2 of MorphoLibJ, a library for mathematical morphology with ImageJ.
New features include:
- implementation of average thickness plugin (also available in Analyze Regions plugin)
- add "NeighborLabelsPlugin" for extracting neighbor regions of a given region(s)
- replaced "label size opening" by "label size filtering", that allows more options on the filtering operation
- implementation of convexify plugin
- replaced "inertia ellipse" by "equivalent ellipse"
- fixed several plugin dialogs
MorphoLibJ 1.4.1
MorphoLibJ version 1.4.1
Major changes in this version include:
- New plugin for the measure of the Interface Surface Area between two labels
- Inertia Ellipsoid was renamed as Equivalent Ellipsoid
- Equivalent Ellipsoid plugin now also returns eigen vectors
- Added bounding box as possible output of "Analyze regions 3D"
- Updates in the user manual (more explanations on equivalent ellipsoid computation)
- Parent project updated to
- Fixes bug when opening large images in plugin.