MorphoLibJ v1.5.0
This is release 1.5.0 of MorphoLibJ, a library for Mathematical Morphology with ImageJ/Fiji. Version 1.5.0 is mostly a "cleanup" release: the menu was re-organized, many classes were refactored, and a lot of code comments were updated. This release is expected to be easier to use and to better interoperate with other plugins.
New features:
- Morphological Segmentation now supports a new "Compactness" parameter
- chamfer mask 3D distance maps can now use up to six different weights
- Main menu re-organized to be more intuitive
- added a small offset when computing dilation of label maps
- refactored the computation of distance maps based on chamfer masks
- GeodesicDistanceTransform3D can now also manage label images
Bug fixes:
- fixed dilation of label maps encoded with floats
- fixed bug in management of 3D connectivity in GrayscaleAttributeFiltering3D plugin
- fixed rounding error in computation of normaliozed distance maps encoded with 16-bits integers
- fixed a bug when closing the LabelEdition window
- updated the continuous-integration workflow
- cleanup the javadoc comments