MorphoLibJ v1.6.0
85 commits
to master
since this release
This is release 1.6.0 of MorphoLibJ, a library for Mathematical Morphology with ImageJ/Fiji.
New Features:
- added plugin "Label Morphological Filter"
- added "Fill Label Holes" Plugin
- added "Region Boundaries Labeling" plugin
- added "Binary/Label Overlay" plugin, that provides an opacity option
- added "Draw Labels as Overlay" plugin
- LabelToValuePlugin should now support macro recording
- AnalyzeRegions Plugin should now be more convenient to script
- Updated the user manual with new plugins, and expanded the explanation of basic concepts
- added region connected component labeling for label maps
- added Glasbey-Dark and Glasbey_Bright colormaps for better visualization of label images
- Change default color map of connected component labeling plugin result
- AverageThickness uses image calibration, and includes unit name within column name
- updated order of plugins in ImageJ "MorphoLibJ -> Label Images" menu
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed edge effects when performing morphologial opening or closing with large structuring elements and structures close to image border
- fixed bug in computation of OctagonStrel mask
Under the hood:
- added MorphologicalFilter abstract class and several specialized classes, to perform morphological filters on 2D/3D images and simplify code of the "Morphology" class.
- Morphology: added static methods for processing ImagePlus instances
- refactored default implementations of Strel interface
- code clean up of FloodFill algorithms
- added GeodesicDistanceTransformFloatHybrid, for performing computation of geodesic distance transform using hybrid algorithm (faster on complex images)
- added the "" utility class, for gathering image edition recurrent tasks
- added the "inra.ijpb.label.LabelUtils" utility class