Idk why you'd be reading this, but hi !
It's likely that I maybe linked you to take a look at this flake as a reference for a Nix-related concept.
It's also possible you just stumbled here by accident! Or that you were browsing my profile.
- Fork this
- Copy any ideas, concepts, or formatting
- Donate all of your blood to me
- Frame me for a crime (As long as it's something cool, like running over your rival in a steamroller)
- Leave me an angry email about any topic. I read all of my emails and I think that'd be pretty funny
If you have any questions, feel free to either message me on Matrix at, Or if you're feeling particularly formal and/or antequated, you can e-mail me at [email protected] I'm also reachable by summoning, although you'd have to figure out the incantation for that yourself.
Au revoir !