Simplified Python Flat File Library
from fflib import ff_reader
name = 'test'
ff = ff_reader(name)
data = ff.get_data() # Data in row-major format
times = ff.get_times() # Time column in seconds since epoch time
epoch = ff.get_epoch()
cols = ff.get_labels()
from fflib import ff_writer
# Data to be written to file
file_name = 'test'
times = [0,1,2,3]
data = [[0,5,5],[12,251,11],[23,444,523],[434,121,123]]
columns = ['Bx', 'By', 'Bz']
epoch = 'J2000'
# Create and set information to write to a new file
ff = ff_writer(file_name)
ff.set_data(times, data)
# Write to file
from fflib import ff_reader
from fflib import ff_time
# Read in times and epoch from a file
ff = ff_reader('test')
epoch = ff.get_epoch()
times = ff.get_times()
# Convert to datetime objects
# leap_indices contains locations of leap seconds
dates, leap_indices = ff_time.ticks_to_dates(ticks, epoch)
# Convert to year-month-dayThh:mm:ss.sss format
iso_ts = ff_time.ticks_to_iso_ts(ticks, epoch)
# Convert to year month day hh:mm:ss.sss format
ts = ff_time.ticks_to_ts(ticks, epoch)
Checks that the header and data files exist and are not empty
Returns the abstract from the header file
get_data(self, include_times=False)
Returns data as m x n array where m = # of rows, n = # of data columns;
Optional include_times flag specifies whether to include the seconds
since epoch time array as the first column
Returns data w/ time tick column as a structured
numpy array (different from a regular np.array)
Returns the epoch (in string format) of the file
Returns the error flag for the data
Returns the label for each column
Returns the sources listed for each column
Returns the start/end time ticks of this file
get_times(self, fmt='ticks')
Returns the time array
Returns the units for each column
Prints key information from the header file and column desc table
Returns the number of rows and columns in the file
to_csv(self, name=None, prec=7)
Writes out the flat file data to a comma-separated-value file
Optional name argument specifies an alternate filename to
give to the .csv file
Optional prec argument specifies the precision for the values
set_abstract(self, abstract)
Sets the abstract for the header file
Input: A list of strings (one per line)
set_data(self, times, data, epoch=None)
Sets the time array (in SCET) and data in record format
Optional epoch argument is passed to set_epoch()
times - array of length m,
data - array of shape m x n
epoch - string
set_epoch(self, epoch)
Sets the epoch (in string-format) for the file
set_error_flag(self, flag)
Sets the error flag
set_labels(self, names, units=None, sources=None, time_label='SCET')
Sets the column names for non-time columns
Input: A list of strings
Optional col_units and col_sources arguments are passed to
set_units() and set_sources() respectively
Optional time_label arg specifies a label for the time column
set_sources(self, col_sources)
Sets data column sources
set_units(self, col_units, time_units='Seconds')
Sets the units for non-time columns
Input: A list of strings
Optional time_units arg specifies the units for the time column
write(self, name=None)
Writes out binary data to .ffd file and ASCII header
content to .ffh file
Optional name argument specifies a filename to write to
other than the one passed to the instance
Note: Arrays of ticks, timestamps, datetimes, etc. are assumed to be increasing.
date_to_tick(date, epoch)
Maps a datetime object to seconds since epoch
Maps UTC timestamp from flat file to year-month-dayThh:mm:ss.sss format
Returns leapseconds in datetime format, ticks since the given epoch,
and their respective leap offsets
Opens leap second list and returns a named numpy
array of each leap second entry
tick_to_date(tick, epoch)
Converts a tick to a datetime object
tick_to_iso_str(tick, epoch)
Converts a tick to a timestamp in year-month-dayThh:mm:ss.sss format
tick_to_timestamp(tick, epoch)
Converts a tick to a timestamp in 'year month_abrv day hh:mm:ss.sss' format
ticks_to_dates(ticks, epoch)
Maps seconds relative to an epoch to datetime objects
ticks_to_iso(ticks, epoch)
Converts an array of time ticks relative to the given epoch to a
timestamp in year-month-dayThh:mm:ss.sss format
ticks_to_timestamps(ticks, epoch)
Converts an array of time ticks relative to the given epoch to a
timestamp in year month_abrv day hh:mm:ss.sss format