A simple but effective library to track app metrics.
const monitorado = require("monitorado")
try {
// Start a metric to calculate how long the DB cleanup takes...
let mt = monitorado.start("db-cleanup")
// Cleanup database...
await myApp.cleanupDatabase()
// End db-cleanup metric.
} catch (ex) {
// End metric with error.
// Get metrics output.
let output = monitorado.output()
// Last 1 minute metrics for db-cleanup...
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// Auto expire counter after 5 seconds.
let expiringMt = monitorado.start("timeout-method", {expiresIn: 5000})
await myApp.externalCall()
// If externalCall takes more than 5 sec, counter will auto-expire
// so calling .end() won't do anything.
// Create metric with a tag.
let anotherMt = monitorado.start("user-method", {tag: "Users"})
let result = await myApp.getUserStats()
// Add extra data to metric, for instance a user count.
anotherMt.setData("users", result.users)
// Output metrics for timeout-method only, for the last 1, 2, and 5 minutes.
const outputOptions = {intervals: [1, 2, 5], keys: ["timeout-method"]}
let timeoutOutput = monitorado.output(outputOptions)
try {
// Set a custom port and base path.
monitorado.settings.httpServer.port = 8080
monitorado.settings.httpServer.path = "/metrics"
// Or you can also load and manipulate settings directly via SetMeUp...
const setmeup = require("setmeup")
// Start the built-in HTTP server
// Calling http://your-host:8080/metrics will output the metrics.
// You can also protect the endpoint with a token.
monitorado.settings.httpServer.token = "my-custom-token"
// Now you need to pass an Authorization: Bearer my-customer-token header.
try {
// Save current finished metrics to the monitorado.json file.
// You can also specify a different file path.
// Or simply get the exported JSON as as object.
let data = monitorado.metrics.toJSON()
// Send data above to an external storage, S3, etc...
// Now load metrics from an exported file.
// Or load from an exported object directly. For example, download JSON data from S3.
let s3data = myS3.downloadFile("monitorado.json")
// You can also avoid loading metrics that already exists in memory by using avoidDuplicates = true.
monitorado.metrics.loadFrom(s3data, true)
In a nutshell, the default settings
contains all the defaults used by Monitorado. You can override settings
by creating a settings.json
on the root of your app, or programatically
by changing values directly on the monitorado.settings
Monitorado uses SetMeUp to manage its settings, so you might want to take a look there for some insights and how to define your custom settings.
Below you'll find a sample output generated by Monitorado for a sample app, with comments added for reference:
// Some system metrics taken from jaul.system.getInfo()
"system": {
"loadAvg": 1,
"memoryUsage": 61
// Metrics for "ad.fetch"
"ad.fetch": {
"total_calls": 930, // total number of calls currently recorded
// Following counters are for the last 1 minute...
"last_1min": {
"calls": 17, // 17 calls
"errors": 0, // 0 calls with errors
"expired": 1, // 1 expired calls
"min": 305, // minimum elapsed time 305ms
"max": 399, // maximum elapsed time 399ms
"avg": 373, // average elapsed time of 373ms
"p99": 399, // 99 percentile 399ms
"p90": 385 // 90 percentile 385ms
// The following counters are for the last 20 minutes...
"last_20min": {
"calls": 840,
"errors": 2,
"expired": 1,
"min": 305,
"max": 970,
"avg": 391,
"p99": 399,
"p90": 390,
// Extra data appended to counters on last 20 minutes,
// for example mt.setData("users", 35).
"data": {
"users": {
"min": 35,
"max": 35,
"total": 35
// Same as above, for for "google.fetch"...
"google.fetch": {
"total_calls": 1410,
"last_1min": {
"calls": 19,
"errors": 0,
"expired": 0,
"min": 2100,
"max": 3755,
"avg": 2900,
"p99": 3755,
"p90": 2920
"last_20min": {
"calls": 1403,
"errors": 0,
"expired": 0,
"min": 2008,
"max": 3940,
"avg": 2974,
"p99": 3001,
"p90": 2976
On the sample above, the first system
key is shown because the systemMetrics
setting has key = "system and fields "loadAvg" and "memoryUsage". For the list
of available fields, please check the
SystemMetrics interface
from JAUL.
Each of the next keys "ad.fetch" and "google.fetch" represent a specific metric. The settings
for the above sample is set to "[1, 20]". The setting percentiles
is "[99, 90]".
Please note that the total_calls
for a particular metric can be higher than the calls
for the highest interval shown on the output. The total_calls
simply tells us how
many counters are currently stored for that metric, and is directly dependant on the
You can browse the full API documentation at https://monitorado.devv.com.