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Releases: igemsoftware/SJTU-Software_2014

EasyBBK V1.5.0 - a server independent version of EasyBBK

05 May 18:10
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  1. Can work without an EasyBBK server, dynamically update the search result and bio-brick details. Accomplished by using jsoup to query official registry search and bio-brick details and calculate score of bio-bricks locally.
  2. Reduce the size of packaged-in-jre under windows, now the package is 32M.


  1. Blast function dropped.
  2. Searching and detail is a little bit slow now (average 15s for one search or detail get).
    Added: More function interact provided in data_center, which can support the GUI to make a more integrated EasyBBK in the future.

Future-future plans:

  1. More interaction with the registry, such as embedding registry part detail web page into the software to show more information.
  2. Strengthen wet lab project accompanying and using scene fitting, wish to be an important part in the wet lab.

EasyBBK V1.0.0

21 Oct 13:47
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EASY BBK - An EASY Biobrick Blueprint's pacKage

Difficulties in finding biobricks in need and in interpreting bio-systems presented in different styles remain to be two main problems in synthetic biology. Our team has created "Easy BBK" to help users get neat information and evaluation of specific biobricks quickly and to display their bio-system easily. Users can input keywords of the biobrick they are interested in, and select special requirements of certain properties, and related biobricks will be searched, sorted and displayed. A score will be computed for each biobrick, based on the current status, reliability, feedbacks of users, number of publication and etc. Additionally, users could draw their bio-system easily with the standardized biobrick icons, and they can also look into the detailed information about the biobricks in the bio-system. Finally, new biobricks can be uploaded directly and automatically to Registry of Standard Biological Parts through our ‘Easy BBK’ system.

Modified GUI under user study, fix bugs in GUI and back stage

19 Oct 18:25
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GUI font and color in the client
Button picture into flat ones to fit the style of the entire software

Bug in "design" about file loading
Bug in backstage searching and blasting
Bug in uploading biobrick through "design" interface

"/Executable/" - packaged file which contains the software that can run without java environment under windows. (The version under linux and mac os is coming soon)

All main function finished with several user studies, still debugging and polishing~

14 Oct 16:31
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Oh mainly testing the release function ~