guide planes to land safely
The following software is necessary to compile and run the program
- C++ compiler capable of compiling C++17 code (for example, gcc version 9 or above)
- freeglut
- OpenGL version 1.1 or above
- CMake version 3 or above to generate the project
Make sure your gcc version is 9 or above. If it's not, and your package manager doesn't propose it, then you may need to upgrade your system first.
Then install freeglut using your favorite package manager.
Install freeglut using a package manager like brew
Attention: For macOS > 10.8, you'll need to install and run XQuartz.
If you get messages like <some lib> was built for newer macOS version (XX) than being linked (XX)
try updating/installing freeglut
with brew!
Install the MSYS2 package manager by following the instructions on this page :
Once you have finished, you can install freeglut by tapping pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-freeglut
in the MSYS2 console.
Edit the "Path" environment variable (the user or system one):
- Add "C:\msys64\mingw64\bin" to it (if you installed MSYS2 elsewhere, then update the path accordingly).
- If you had a previous MinGW version installed (usually located in C:\mingw"), remove its bin folder from the Path.
Open the project inside VSCode.
Run the command Preferences: Open User Settings
Search for the setting CMake: Mingw Search Dirs
and add "C:\msys64\mingw64
to it (without the bin folder).
Restart VSCode, run the command CMake: Scan For Kits
, then CMake: Edit User-Local CMake Kits
Add the following code inside the JSON of the MSYS2 compilers:
"preferredGenerator": {
"name": "MinGW Makefiles"
"environmentVariables": {
"CMT_MINGW_PATH": "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin"
Restart VSCode again, and run CMake: Configure
You can build and execute the program from VSCode, as usual.
If you want to build it from a terminal, place yourself inside the top-level directory of the project, and use the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..