Home > gatsby-plugin-next-seo > BaseSeoProps
export interface BaseSeoProps
Property | Type | Description |
base | BaseProps | Specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs in a document. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/base |
canonical | string | Set the page canonical url. |
description | string | Set the page meta description. |
{ appId: string; } | Used for Facebook Insights, you must add a facebook app ID to your page to for it. | |
htmlAttributes | HTMLAttributes | Allows you to add additional attributes to html tag besides language. |
language | string | The language being used for the current page.This adds the lang attribute to the <html /> e.g. tag https://web.dev/html-has-lang/. |
languageAlternates | LanguageAlternate[] | Set the language of the alternate urls. |
linkTags | LinkProps[] | Allows you to add a link tag that is not documented here. |
metaTags | MetaProps[] | Allows you to add a meta tag that is not documented here. |
mobileAlternate | MobileAlternate | Mobile configuration object. |
nofollow | boolean | Sets whether page should be followed or not. |
noindex | boolean | Sets whether page should be indexed or not. |
openGraph | OpenGraph | The open graph configuration object. |
title | string | Set the meta title of the page |
titleTemplate | string | Allows you to set default title template that will be added to your title. |
The twitter configuration object. |