This example "todo backend" should help me to demo the swift runtime for cloud foundry. I would like show the latest stuff for swift, that's the reason why I choose vapor 3 with swift NIO.
Get it on your local machine and build it.
bash$ git clone ...
bash$ cd snatch-todo-app
bash$ swift build
you need a running psql with this settings in your pg_hba.conf
config file.
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all password
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all password
host all all password
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 password
Local setup
# Postgresql Setup
export PSQLHOSTNAME="localhost"
export PSQLPORT=5432
export PSQLUSERNAME="turkish"
export PSQLDATABASE="turkish"
export PSQLPASSWORD="******"
#Server Setup
export VCAP_APP_HOST=""
export PORT=8080
Run it
bash$ .build/x86_64-apple-macosx10.10/debug/Run
[ INFO ] Migrating 'psql' database (FluentProvider.swift:28)
[ INFO ] Migrations complete (FluentProvider.swift:32)
Server starting on
Add a todo task
/todos/task/add payload
"task":"my first todo",
Example call to create a new task on the todo list
bash$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/todos/task/add -d '{ "task":"your todo task", "status":false, "deadline":"31.10.2020" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
{"id":3,"task":"your todo task","status":false,"deadline":"2020-10-30"}
/todos/task/check-off Payload
"task":"my first todo",
Example call to check-off a task on the todo list
bash$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/todos/task/check-off -d '{"id":1, "task":"my first todo","status":true,"deadline": "31.10.2020"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
{"id":1,"task":"my first todo","status":true,"deadline":"2020-10-30"}
Example call to delete a task from the todo list
bash$ curl -iv -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/todos/task/delete/4
HTTP 200
You need a Postgres Database accessible from anywhere. (e.q. or your own). And be sure that you are connected to your cloud foundry provider, I have used IBM Cloud Foundry.
Then provide the credentials to the cf runtime as environment variables with cf set-env
, in my case it is for snatch-todo
bash$ cf set-env snatch-todos PSQLHOSTNAME ""
bash$ cf set-env snatch-todos PSQLPORT 5432
bash$ cf set-env snatch-todos PSQLUSERNAME "xxxxx"
bash$ cf set-env snatch-todos PSQLDATABASE "xxxxx"
bash$ cf set-env snatch-todos PSQLPASSWORD "*****"
This is the custom command to deploy vapor 3 to cloudfoundry !! Be sure that you are connected to your cloud foundry.
bash$ cf push snatch-todos 32M -c Run
Verify after the deploy (I had deployed in london)
bash$ curl -iv
bash$ curl -iv -X POST \
-d '{ "task" : "your todo task", "status": false }' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
bash$ curl -iv -X PUT \
-d '{"id":1,"task":"my first todo","status":true }' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
bash$ curl -iv -X DELETE
Issue: if you import some test data with squence id which is bigger then the current one, you get a error 'duplicate key'
change the sequence min value or start value
get the current min value
SELECT max(id)+1 FROM "public"."Todo"