This service translates the github workflow API to the CCTray (cc.xml) format to allow seeing your build chain status on your desktop in tools like BuildNotify or ccmenu
We provide docker images over here:
cctray-hub provides dynamic URLs based on three strings that you need to provide:
- repo owner
- repo name
- workflow name or id
for cctray itself this will be:
Note that cctray-hub will query builds from the main branch per default. If you need other (or even all) branches to get queried as well, feel free to open an issue.
If you want cctray-hub to read private github repos / actions, you need to provide a PAT that grants access to these repos.
A classic token with the workflow
scope should be sufficient. The repo
scope will be enabled automatically by github.
Don't forget to authorize the token for the repos you want to access.
Provide that token as an env variable like this then, when starting cctray-hub:
Basic auth can be autoconfigured by setting the following application properties:
Access logs via logback and JSON log format can be enabled by setting the following profile:
CCTray spec
github docs regarding workflows
cctray-hub is heavily inspired by this project: