This repository contains official implementation of the algorithms defined in our paper titled, Anjali Gupta, Abhijnan Chakraborty, Rohit Vaish, Sayan Ranu, Prajit Nadkarni, Narendra Varma and Muthusamy Chelliah, "Towards Fair Allocation in Social Commerce Platforms", in The Web Conference 2023 (formerly known as WWW).
cd code_www
python [algoname].py [Instance] [L] [alpha] [Epsilon] [R2_option]
- Instance is the dataset instance.
- For alpha, take a value greator than 0 but less than or equal to 1. (0 <alpha<=1)
- R2_option = 1 for R2 = number-of-re-sellers, R2_option = 2 for R2 = 2 * R1, and R2_option = 3 for R2 = R1 + 1
for example: To run SEAL use:
python 1 15 1 0 1
To run GreedyNash use:
python 1 15 1 0 1
To run NashMax use:
python 1 15 1 3 2
To run RevMax use:
python 1 15 1 3 2
- Python3.6.9
- Gurobi Optimizer version 9.0.2 is required to run NashMax and RevMax.
Results are saved in results/[algo_name]/ folder
author = {Anjali Gupta and Shreyansh Nagori and Abhijnan Chakraborty and Rohit Vaish and Sayan Ranu and Prajit Nadkarni and Narendra Varma and Muthusamy Chelliah},
title = {Towards Fair Allocation in Social Commerce Platforms},
booktitle = {The Web Conference (formerly known as International World Wide Web Conference, abbreviated as WWW) },
year = {2023}