The content of this repo strictly followed official guide of, which aims to set up and run a simple Django/PostgreSQL app. It is suitable for quick deploy a local django development environment. (
This repo was tested on Mac OS X 10.15.6, and Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. But I think it would be good to run on some earlier versions of Mac and Ubuntu. I believe it is not suitable for Windows. If you are interests on modifying a better version capable for Windows, feel free to pull requests.
1. Go to home folder, download
, make it executable. Your administration password would be required.
cd ~
curl -O
sudo chmod +x
3. Five questions would be prompted, answer each one. Or just hit enter to accept the default value.
Here are 5 questions to answer:
(1/5) Work directory [hit ENTER directly to accept default: "~/django"]:
(2/5) Project name [hit ENTER directly to accept default: "local_django"]:
(3/5) Database name [hit ENTER directly to accept default: "djangodb"]:
(4/5) Database USER name [hit ENTER directly to accept default: "admin"]:
(5/5) Database PASSWORD [hit ENTER directly to accept default: "admin1234"]:
It seems that you didn't have Docker Desktop installed on your mac.
Please install it and start over.
Download a stable version:
Docker Desktop contains Docker and Docker Composer.
It seems that you didn't have Docker and Docker Compose installed.
Do you wanna install them automatically right now?
If you say no, the script would quit.
Then, later on, you can choose to install them your self, or run bash <(curl -s
to install quickly. Come back and run
You would see:
# Your local django environment is ready!
# Go to 'http://localhost:8000' to view your django welcome page!
Starting django_db_1 ... done
Starting django_web_1 ... done
This means the script reaches the end. Do not close the current shell, use browser to visit http://localhost:8000 to see the welcome page.
In some cases, if you are using a Linux server on cloud, could not reach http://localhost:8000 on local machine, you can try this to ensure the result:
curl -s http://localhost:8000 | grep 'Congratulations!'
If you get a output like this: <h2>The install worked successfully! Congratulations!</h2>
, that means the same success.