A React FormProvider wraps your form component and provides your form with utilities of validating form fields or entire form by using simple-form-validator
npm install --save react-form-ex
This assumes that you’re using npm package manager with a module bundler like Webpack or Browserify to consume CommonJS modules.
There are two ways to utilize react-form-ex with your form compnent, FormProvider or createForm. In both cases, you speciffy a collection of validators, together with an optional options that determine validation behavour. For the time being, there are two valid options available stopOnErr, by default, it's TRUE, implicitRequired, by default it's TRUE
@field stopOnErr flag designating if the validating process should stop when the first validating error appears
@field implicitRequired flag designating if a field is mandatory if a validator is provided
implicitRequired is set TRUE by default, which means that as long as a form filed is provided with validators, it is considered as a mandatory field implicityly. If it is set as FALSE, all mandatory form fields SHOULD be explicitly provided a isRequired validator together with other validators. Otherwise all validators associated with a form field won't be validated until this form field is typed a value
Besides the option, you can also send in lang property reflecting your currently selected language on your web UI. When this property is changed, it will result in all existing validation error messages are oppdated with accordance to the new language
- [FormProvider] The React container component, FormProvider wraps your form component
const ContactApp = () => {
const validators = {
'fullname': [Validators.isRequired('name can not be empty'), Validators.length('name should be at least 3 letters', 3, 20)],
'age': [Validators.isNumber('age should be only digits'), Validators.range('age should be between 1 and 150', 1, 150)],
'income': [Validators.isNumber('income should be digits')]
return (
<section><h3>Kontakt oss</h3>
Please fill in the contact form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible.
<FormProvider validators={validators} options={ { stopOnErr: true, implicitRequired: false } } >
<ContactForm />
- [createForm] createForm is a helper high-order function, taking two parameters sequentially, validatorCofnigurations, and a form-component
const ContactApp = () => {
const validators = {
'fullname': [Validators.isRequired('name can not be empty'), Validators.length('name should be at least 3 letters', 3, 20)],
'age': [Validators.isNumber('age should be only digits'), Validators.range('age should be between 1 and 150', 1, 150)],
'income': [Validators.isNumber('income should be digits')]
const form = createForm(validators, { stopOnErr: true, implicitRequired: false })(ContactForm);
return (
<section><h3>Kontakt oss</h3>
{ form }
In both cases mentioned above, the FormProvider, as a container component, passes many callbacks as properties to your form component, for instance, a simple contact form seems as following:
const ContactForm = ({validateForm, formData, addNewField, ...props}) => {
return (
<TextInput name="fullname" { ...props.fullname } />
<TextInput name="age" { ...props.age } />
<IncomeInput name="income" { ...props.income } />
<EmailInput name="email" addNewField={ addNewField } { ...props.email } />
<input type="submit" onClick={ e=> {
let errMsgs = validateForm()
if (errMsgs) {
console.log('EEEEroor', errMsgs); e.preventDefault(); }
else {
let data = formData();
ajax.post(url, data)
} />
export default ContactForm;
validateForm is normally used by form submit button, i.e. in the onSubmit or onClick event handler. It takes an optional param fields, array of strings for form field names. If it's called without any parameters, it will validate the whole form. It returns array of error messages if there exists validating errors. On the contrary, you can pass a part of the form fields for validation, such as the typical scenario, Accordion, which contains a big complex form for customer registration. When users navigate from section Personal Info to section Work Experience, however, section Personal Info needs to be validated first before navigation, i.e. *validateForm('fullname', 'email', 'mobile')
formData is used to retrieve the form data. It accepts an optional parameter, fields, array of strings for form filed names. If fields is empty or undefined, the entire form data is returned. It returns the current values of these required form fields. The returned values could be invalid if it's called before validateForm. The normal usage of this method is called after the form is validated and the returned form data can be posted with ajax call
addNewField is used to add validators for a non-existing form field, for instance, your react form will dynamically add a new form field and it should be included in form validations**(1)**. In code snippet over, the email field is not originally specified in the validators configuration, therefore addNewField is passed in as a properties and EmailInput component looks like as following:
class EmailInput extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } componentWillMount() { this.props.addNewField('email', this.props.defaultValue, builtinValidators.isEmail('a valid email address should look like i.e [email protected]'), {required: true, msg: 'email should not be empty'}); } render() { return ( <TextInput { ...this.props } /> ) } }; export default EmailInput;
[ ...props ] props is a complex object and contains callbacks and properties for each form field. Take props.age for example:
- name the field name
- value the current value
- valid flag, true means no validating error
- invalid flag, true menas existence of validating error
- msg array of strings, validating error messages
- onChange callback, it can be used to validate this field while typing
- onBlur callback, it can be used to validate this field after focusing out
- addValidator callback, called to add new validators to this field (2)
[ support of defaultValue ] If a form field has a default value, it is sent as property defaultValue for react component. In order to reflect the default value to FormProvider so that the later formData call can be able to retrive those default values, onChange should be called i.e. in method componentDidMount. Take a react component TextInput for instance:
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react' import classNames from 'classnames' class TextInput extends Component{ constructor(props) { super(props) console.log('TextInput props:', props) } componentDidMount () { if (this.props.onChange && this.props.defaultValue) { // set the default value on store this.props.onChange(this.props.defaultValue, false) } } render() { const { name, onChange, onBlur, valid, invalid, msg, placeholder, label, type, defaultValue, enableChange } = this.props let helpTxt = label || name let inputClz = classNames('form-control', {'validate-err': invalid}, { 'validate-ok': valid }) return <div className="input-line form-group"> <label>{ helpTxt }</label> <input name={name} onBlur={ e =>{ onBlur(e.target.value) } } onChange={ e=>{ enableChange && onChange(e.target.value)} } className={ inputClz } placeholder={ placeholder? placeholder : '' } type={ type || 'text' } autoComplete={ type === 'password'? 'off' : 'on'} defaultValue={ defaultValue } /> <span className="validate-err erros-msg">{ msg? msg.map( m => <span key={ m }>{m}</span> ) : ''}</span> </div> } } export default TextInput;
(1), (2) when adding validators, either built-in validators or object literal validators can be used or combined
Source code for this npm package is available idavollen@github