This code was written to support a CTF on a popular hacking-learning platform. The CTF included access to an oracle for signatures of an RSA 1024 private key, but no access to the public key. With a requirement for forging a signature related to a known plain text string.
The maths have been identified in the stackexchange link located at
The maths may be a little hard to understand (unless you speak l33t maths), so I converted the MathML/TeX lingo to python code.
I highly recommend understanding the maths, this code is really here to help you learn the maths, not to help you script-kiddie you're way to the flag. :P
A special thanks to Hilbert on said platform, as he patiently helped me both learn and understand said math l33t speak!
I make no warranties on the applicability or usefulness of this code. It has been designed for learning purposes only.
/r DarthJedi