Error with the finer mesh from a Gmsh file #29113
Dear MOOSE experts, After MOOSE update, I keep getting an error when I run my models with gmsh file, which did run well without any problem before. While I was testing with a simple model with a squared domain including a circle in the middle, I found out that the model runs with coarse mesh at the boundary of a sideset block. But when I increase the number of nodes at the sideset boundary, it makes an error regarding the mesh. And the similar error appears when I run my models, which worked fine before. Could you help me with the issue? Please find the error, mesh file script and input file below. Many thanks
Gmsh file script (circle.msh)
Input file# Water properties
mu = 1.0E-3
rho = 1000.0
k = 0.598
cp = 4186
# Solid properties
cp_s = 830
rho_s = 1680
k_s = 3.5
# Other parameters
p_outlet = 0
u_inlet = -1e-4
h_conv = 50
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = circle.msh
input = mesh_file
type = SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGenerator
primary_block = domain
paired_block = 'c'
new_boundary = sideset
rhie_chow_user_object = 'rc'
advected_interp_method = 'upwind'
velocity_interp_method = 'rc'
type = INSFVRhieChowInterpolator
u = vel_x
v = vel_y
pressure = pressure
block = domain
type = INSFVVelocityVariable
initial_condition = 1e-4
block = domain
type = INSFVVelocityVariable
initial_condition = 1e-4
block = domain
type = INSFVPressureVariable
block = domain
type = INSFVEnergyVariable
initial_condition = 283.15
scaling = 1e-5
block = domain
type = INSFVEnergyVariable
initial_condition = 333.15
scaling = 1e-5
block = 'c'
type = INSFVMassAdvection
variable = pressure
rho = ${rho}
block = domain
type = INSFVMomentumTimeDerivative
variable = vel_x
rho = ${rho}
momentum_component = 'x'
block = domain
type = INSFVMomentumAdvection
variable = vel_x
rho = ${rho}
momentum_component = 'x'
block = domain
type = INSFVMomentumDiffusion
variable = vel_x
mu = ${mu}
momentum_component = 'x'
block = domain
type = INSFVMomentumPressure
variable = vel_x
momentum_component = 'x'
pressure = pressure
block = domain
type = INSFVMomentumTimeDerivative
variable = vel_y
rho = ${rho}
momentum_component = 'y'
block = domain
type = INSFVMomentumAdvection
variable = vel_y
rho = ${rho}
momentum_component = 'y'
block = domain
type = INSFVMomentumDiffusion
variable = vel_y
mu = ${mu}
momentum_component = 'y'
type = INSFVMomentumPressure
variable = vel_y
momentum_component = 'y'
pressure = pressure
block = domain
type = INSFVEnergyTimeDerivative
variable = T
rho = ${rho}
dh_dt = dh_dt
block = domain
type = FVDiffusion
coeff = 'k'
variable = T
block = domain
type = INSFVEnergyAdvection
variable = T
block = domain
type = INSFVEnergyTimeDerivative
variable = Ts
rho = ${rho_s}
dh_dt = dh_solid_dt
block = 'c'
type = FVDiffusion
coeff = 'k_s'
variable = Ts
block = 'c'
type = FVConvectionCorrelationInterface
variable1 = T
variable2 = Ts
subdomain1 = domain
subdomain2 = 'c'
boundary = sideset
h = ${h_conv}
T_solid = Ts
T_fluid = T
wall_cell_is_bulk = true
type = INSFVInletVelocityBC
boundary = 'top'
variable = vel_x
function = 0
type = INSFVInletVelocityBC
boundary = 'top'
variable = vel_y
function = ${u_inlet}
type = FVDirichletBC
variable = T
boundary = 'top'
value = 283.15
type = INSFVNoSlipWallBC
boundary = 'left right sideset'
variable = vel_x
function = 0
type = INSFVNoSlipWallBC
boundary = 'left right sideset'
variable = vel_y
function = 0
type = INSFVOutletPressureBC
boundary = 'bottom'
variable = pressure
function = '${p_outlet}'
type = ADGenericFunctorMaterial
prop_names = 'cp k'
prop_values = '${cp} ${k}'
block = domain
type = INSFVEnthalpyFunctorMaterial
temperature = 'T'
rho = ${rho}
block = domain
type = ADGenericFunctorMaterial
prop_names = 'cp_s k_s'
prop_values = '${cp_s} ${k_s}'
block = 'c'
type = INSFVEnthalpyFunctorMaterial
temperature = 'Ts'
rho = ${rho_s}
cp = ${cp_s}
block = 'c'
h = h_solid
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -ksp_gmres_restart -sub_pc_type -sub_pc_factor_shift_type'
petsc_options_value = 'asm 100 lu NONZERO'
line_search = 'none'
nl_rel_tol = 1e-8
dt = 10
end_time = 10
exodus = true
[] |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Replies: 1 comment 3 replies
Hello When defining the entities, you chose the bounding boxes
and they do not include some of the nodes. I did it quickly here
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
When defining the entities, you chose the bounding boxes
and they do not include some of the nodes.
If you want to use these nodes, you need to grow these bounding boxes
I did it quickly here