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icidasset committed Feb 19, 2021
1 parent 9c37967 commit 8e29182
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Showing 13 changed files with 118 additions and 115 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
# Changelog

#### 6.1.0

- Forgot to update README
- Add missing export

#### 6.0.0

- Synced icons with
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,9 @@ This package includes all the [Material icons](
import Color
import Material.Icons as Filled exposing (offline_bolt)
import Material.Icons.Outlined as Outlined exposing (offline_bolt)
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))

-- icon : Int (size) -> Coloring -> Html msg
Filled.offline_bolt 16 (Color <| Color.rgb 96 181 204)
Outlined.offline_bolt 16 Inherit
Filled.offline_bolt 16 (Filled.Color <| Color.rgb 96 181 204)
Outlined.offline_bolt 16 Outlined.Inherit

### Preview
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion elm.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"name": "icidasset/elm-material-icons",
"summary": "Material Icons Library",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"version": "6.0.0",
"version": "6.1.0",
"exposed-modules": [
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion gen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ This ruby and javascript code is used to generate the Elm code for the icons. De

# see .tool-versions file for which versions I used for nodejs and ruby.
yarn install
pnpm install
ruby generate.rb
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions gen/generate.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ def generate(family)
end.join(", ")

append_to_file out_path, <<~HERE
module #{module_name} exposing (Coloring(..), #{exposed})
module #{module_name} exposing (Coloring(..), Icon, #{exposed})
@docs Coloring
@docs Coloring, Icon

# Docs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ module #{module_name} exposing (Coloring(..), #{exposed})
# Move
# ====

%x`mv #{escape(ROOT)}/src/Material/Icons/Types.elm #{escape(ROOT)}/src/Types.elm`
%x`mv #{escape(ROOT)}/src/Material/Icons/Internal.elm #{escape(ROOT)}/src/Internal.elm`

%x`rm -rf #{escape(ROOT)}/src/Material`
Expand Down
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions gen/pnpm-lock.yaml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

92 changes: 0 additions & 92 deletions gen/yarn.lock

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Material/Icons.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Material.Icons exposing
( Coloring(..)
( Coloring(..), Icon
, three_d_rotation, accessibility, accessibility_new, accessible, accessible_forward, account_balance, account_balance_wallet, account_box, account_circle, add_shopping_cart, add_task, add_to_drive, addchart, admin_panel_settings, alarm, alarm_add, alarm_off, alarm_on, all_inbox, all_out, analytics, anchor, android, announcement, api, app_blocking, arrow_circle_down, arrow_circle_up, arrow_right_alt, article, aspect_ratio, assessment, assignment, assignment_ind, assignment_late, assignment_return, assignment_returned, assignment_turned_in, autorenew, backup, backup_table, batch_prediction, book, book_online, bookmark, bookmark_add, bookmark_added, bookmark_border, bookmark_remove, bookmarks, bug_report, build, build_circle, cached, calendar_today, calendar_view_day, calendar_view_month, calendar_view_week, camera_enhance, cancel_schedule_send, card_giftcard, card_membership, card_travel, change_history, check_circle, check_circle_outline, chrome_reader_mode, circle_notifications, class, close_fullscreen, code, code_off, comment_bank, commute, compare_arrows, compress, contact_page, contact_support, contactless, copyright, credit_card, credit_card_off, dangerous, dashboard, dashboard_customize, date_range, delete, delete_forever, delete_outline, description, disabled_by_default, dns, done, done_all, done_outline, donut_large, donut_small, drag_indicator, dynamic_form, eco, edit_off, eject, euro_symbol, event, event_seat, exit_to_app, expand, explore, explore_off, extension, extension_off, face, fact_check, favorite, favorite_border, feedback, file_present, filter_alt, find_in_page, find_replace, fingerprint, fit_screen, flaky, flight_land, flight_takeoff, flip_to_back, flip_to_front, flutter_dash, g_translate, gavel, get_app, gif, grade, grading, group_work, help, help_center, help_outline, hide_source, highlight_alt, highlight_off, history, history_toggle_off, home, horizontal_split, hourglass_disabled, hourglass_empty, hourglass_full, http, https, important_devices, info, input, integration_instructions, invert_colors, label, label_important, label_off, language, launch, leaderboard, lightbulb, line_style, line_weight, list, lock, lock_clock, lock_open, login, logout, loyalty, manage_accounts, mark_as_unread, markunread_mailbox, maximize, mediation, minimize, model_training, next_plan, nightlight_round, no_accounts, not_accessible, not_started, note_add, offline_bolt, offline_pin, online_prediction, opacity, open_in_browser, open_in_full, open_in_new, open_in_new_off, open_with, outbound, outbox, outlet, pageview, paid, pan_tool, payment, pending, pending_actions, perm_camera_mic, perm_contact_calendar, perm_data_setting, perm_device_information, perm_identity, perm_media, perm_phone_msg, perm_scan_wifi, pets, picture_in_picture, picture_in_picture_alt, plagiarism, play_for_work, polymer, power_settings_new, pregnant_woman, preview, print, privacy_tip, production_quantity_limits, published_with_changes, query_builder, question_answer, quickreply, receipt, record_voice_over, redeem, remove_done, remove_shopping_cart, reorder, report_problem, request_page, restore, restore_from_trash, restore_page, room, rounded_corner, rowing, rule, saved_search, savings, schedule, schedule_send, search, search_off, segment, send_and_archive, sensors, sensors_off, settings, settings_accessibility, settings_applications, settings_backup_restore, settings_bluetooth, settings_brightness, settings_cell, settings_ethernet, settings_input_antenna, settings_input_component, settings_input_composite, settings_input_hdmi, settings_input_svideo, settings_overscan, settings_phone, settings_power, settings_remote, settings_voice, shop, shop_2, shop_two, shopping_bag, shopping_basket, shopping_cart, smart_button, source, speaker_notes, speaker_notes_off, spellcheck, star_rate, stars, sticky_note_2, store, subject, subtitles_off, supervised_user_circle, supervisor_account, support, swap_horiz, swap_horizontal_circle, swap_vert, swap_vertical_circle, swipe, sync_alt, system_update_alt, tab, tab_unselected, table_view, task_alt, text_rotate_up, text_rotate_vertical, text_rotation_angledown, text_rotation_angleup, text_rotation_down, text_rotation_none, theaters, thumb_down, thumb_down_off_alt, thumb_up, thumb_up_off_alt, thumbs_up_down, timeline, toc, today, toll, touch_app, tour, track_changes, translate, trending_down, trending_flat, trending_up, try, turned_in, turned_in_not, unpublished, update, update_disabled, upgrade, verified, verified_user, vertical_split, view_agenda, view_array, view_carousel, view_column, view_day, view_headline, view_in_ar, view_list, view_module, view_quilt, view_sidebar, view_stream, view_week, visibility, visibility_off, voice_over_off, watch_later, wifi_protected_setup, work, work_off, work_outline, wysiwyg, youtube_searched_for, zoom_in, zoom_out
, add_alert, auto_delete, error, error_outline, notification_important, warning, warning_amber
, ten_k, one_k, one_k_plus, two_k, two_k_plus, three_k, three_k_plus, four_k, four_k_plus, five_g, five_k, five_k_plus, six_k, six_k_plus, seven_k, seven_k_plus, eight_k, eight_k_plus, nine_k, nine_k_plus, add_to_queue, airplay, album, art_track, av_timer, branding_watermark, call_to_action, closed_caption, closed_caption_disabled, closed_caption_off, control_camera, equalizer, explicit, fast_forward, fast_rewind, featured_play_list, featured_video, fiber_dvr, fiber_manual_record, fiber_new, fiber_pin, fiber_smart_record, forward_10, forward_30, forward_5, games, hd, hearing, hearing_disabled, high_quality, library_add, library_add_check, library_books, library_music, loop, mic, mic_none, mic_off, missed_video_call, movie, music_video, new_releases, not_interested, note, pause, pause_circle, pause_circle_filled, pause_circle_outline, play_arrow, play_circle, play_circle_filled, play_circle_outline, play_disabled, playlist_add, playlist_add_check, playlist_play, queue, queue_music, queue_play_next, radio, recent_actors, remove_from_queue, repeat, repeat_on, repeat_one, repeat_one_on, replay, replay_10, replay_30, replay_5, replay_circle_filled, sd, shuffle, shuffle_on, skip_next, skip_previous, slow_motion_video, snooze, sort_by_alpha, speed, stop, stop_circle, subscriptions, subtitles, surround_sound, video_call, video_label, video_library, video_settings, videocam, videocam_off, volume_down, volume_mute, volume_off, volume_up, web, web_asset, web_asset_off
Expand All @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Material.Icons exposing


@docs Coloring
@docs Coloring, Icon

# Action
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