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Dot Files Luci4



Fish configuration files and functions.


tari - Compresses files and directories
tari file.txt
tari dir-name/
Result: files and dirs are compressed into file.txt.tar.gz, dir-name.tar.gz

tarx - De-compresses files and directories, same as tar -zxvf
tarx file.tar.gz

backup - Function for creating a backup file
backup file.txt
Result: copies file as file.txt.bak

fcd - Navigate to directory directly, if more dirs match the name, a list is provided for selection
fcd luci4
Result: navigates to the directory called luci4, wherever it is

passgen - Generate a random password
passgen 32
Result: generates a 32-character password

getpath - Finds a path and copies to clipboard
getpath somepath

tree - Shows a tree view of the specified depth
tree 2
Result: shows a tree view of the current directory, of depth 2


Bash config files (.bashrc)

Awesome WM

Requires all the autostarting apps to be installed, comment out, in, the apps that are not installed.
(incomplete) list of apps required by awesome scripts: i3lock nitrogen picom lxqt-policykit redshift-gtk xfce4-clipman xfce4-clipman xfce4-power-manager
blueman-applet comes with blueman package. nm-applet comes with network-manager

Some of the widges from awesome-wm-widgets ( are used in the config.
Requires Collision ( for extended functionalities and shortcuts.
Collision and awesome-wm-widgets to be cloned in the root awesome directory (~/.config/awesome)

The directory $HOME/apps will be scanned for AppImages, which will be added to the menu. Keep your Standalone Applications and AppImages there, or edit the location in rc.lua.

i3lock is used as the screensaver, rc.lua contains a shortcut to lock the screen that references to in the same directory.
For new Arch installation install Blueman (double check the Arch Wiki in case this info is outdated)
Optionally, install and add lxsession (policy kit, polKit) to the the autorun file.
Check and edit ~/.config/awesome/ according to your desired screen settings.
Everything else included in the awesome config rc.lua, in the scripts in the same directory, and the subdirectories (ie. ./themes/..) will use dmenu to select a file and create a share link that will be copied to the clipboard. xclip and dmenu required.
scriy/ will allow the selection of multiple files, zip them, encrypt them if a password is passed, upload them and return a link (ie. for sharing)

Add to (or create if it doesn't exist) ~/.config/awesome/ applications to run at startup, on top of the ones that are already running by default (defined in ~/.config/awesome/ ).

Screen Resolution and scaling
To customize the screen resolution add this line to xrandr -s 1920x1080 .
For scaling, create or edit ~/.Xresources and add Xft.dpi:148 (check for the right dpi value, you can use a multiple or fraction of that number) .


This shouldn't have any requirements other than installing picom.

Vim and NeoVim

Check Vim and NeoVim configuration files headers and their own readme for more instructions. .config/nvim/init.vim


:PlugClean :PlugInstall :UpdateRemotePlugins
cocInstall, install manually coc-java, coc-python, coc-html, etc ...
:CocInstall coc-python
:CocInstall coc-clangd
:CocInstall coc-snippets
:CocCommand snippets.edit... FOR EACH FILE TYPE

install Python neovim
pip3 install pynvim
install node neovim
sudo npm install -g neovim


In the advanced section of kitty.conf, the option shell is set to /opt/default_shell-kitty_config which is a link that points to the default shell. Create that link in your system before using Kitty. ie. if the default shell is Fish, on Linux:

ln -s $(which fish) /opt/default_shell-kitty_config 

ie. if the default shell is Bash, on Linux:

ln -s $(which bash) /opt/default_shell-kitty_config 

ie. if the default shell is Fish, on MacOs:

ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/fish /opt/default_shell-kitty_config 

Kitty font config
In the kitty.config specify a font that is not a nerd font, according to kitty's instructions. Then download the Symbols only nerd font and set it up as a fallback font (all mappings are in kitty.config already, in this repo). Use the script from the official nerd fonts repo to test
curl -JLO
More on kitty fonts:

Bare Repository Instructions

Initializing a bare repository for dot files

1 - init

git init --bare $HOME/.git-dotfiles
alias gitdots='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.git-dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
gitdots config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

2 - Add the following aliases to .bashrc and fish.config

alias gitdots='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.git-dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'

3 - Add files one by one to the repo and push. Other files in $HOME that are not tracked manually will not be tracked.

gitdots status
gitdots add .vimrc
gitdots commit -m "Add vimrc"
gitdots add .bashrc
gitdots commit -m "Add bashrc"
gitdots push

Migrating/Restoring dot files

Source repository should ignore the folder where you'll clone it, so that you don't create weird recursion problems:

echo ".git-dotfiles" >> .gitignore

clone your dotfiles into a bare repository in a "dot" folder of your $HOME:

git clone --bare [email protected]:icefields/dotfiles.git $HOME/.git-dotfiles

Define the alias in the current shell scope: see step 2 - Add to .bashrc and fish.config

Checkout the actual content from the bare repository to your $HOME:

gitdots checkout

The step above might fail with a message like:

error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you can switch branches.

This is because your $HOME folder might already have some stock configuration files which would be overwritten by Git. The solution is simple: back up the files if you care about them, remove them if you don't care. I provide you with a possible rough shortcut to move all the offending files automatically to a backup folder:

mkdir -p .config-backup && \
gitdots checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | \
xargs -I{} mv {} .config-backup/{}

Re-run the check out if you had problems:

gitdots checkout

Set the flag showUntrackedFiles to no on this specific (local) repository (same as ):

gitdots config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

You're done, from now on you can now type config commands to add and update your dotfiles: see step 3 - Add files one by one to the repo and push. Other files in $HOME that are not tracked manually will not be tracked.

Power Management

No power Management application is really required, just configure /etc/systemd/logind.conf appropriately launched from hyprland.conf with exec-once = ~/.config/hypr/ is going to take care of locking the machine after a timeout.

Simple version (no action for power button, ideal on macbook with Asahi Linux):

# Power button press [ignore, poweroff, reboot, suspend]
# Handle suspend key press
HandleSuspendKey=suspend  # Suspend the system (sleep)

# Handle hibernate key press
HandleHibernateKey=ignore  # Hibernate the system


HandlePowerKey=suspend #poweroff

# Controls whether the lid switch should be ignored if an inhibition is in place.
# Value: no means the lid switch will not be ignored if an application or service has inhibited power-saving actions. The system will still respond to the lid switch event even if an application has requested to prevent power-saving actions.

# Controls what action the system should take when the lid is closed while the laptop is docked or connected to external monitors.
# Value: ignore means the system will ignore the lid switch event when docked, so closing the lid will not trigger any action.

# Controls the maximum delay before the system honors an inhibition request, which prevents actions like suspension or hibernation.
# Value: 1800 means the system will wait up to 30 minutes before checking if any inhibition requests are in place.

Applications (Hyprland)

files browser: thunar
text editor: nvim sudo ln -s $(which kitty) /usr/bin/gnome-terminal so thunar will open text files in nvim
dmenu is replaced by wofi in Wayland, to allow scripts that rely on dmenu to work:
sudo ln -s /home/luci/.config/wofi/ /usr/bin/dmenu



UbuntuSansMono Nerd Font Mono Medium
UbuntuSansMono Nerd Font Mono
UbuntuSansMono Nerd Font Mono SemiBold


Fira Code
Fira Code Medium
Fira Code Italic
Symbols only nerd font

Other Fonts:



Wallpapers are in Pictures/wallpapers.
There are scripts in place to automate the process. Follow this initial setup to get started.

Hyprland Instructions

create the following symlinks:
link -> original file
/usr/share/hyprland/wall0.png -> $HOME/.config/hypr/wallpapers/wall0.png
/usr/share/hyprland/wall1.png -> $HOME/.config/hypr/wallpapers/wall1.png
/usr/share/hyprland/wall2.png -> $HOME/.config/hypr/wallpapers/wall2.png

symlink or copy the images to use as wallpapers, one by one, into .config/hypr/wallpapers/.

Awesome Instructions

symlink or copy the images to use as wallpapers, one by one, into .config/awesome/themes/luci4/wallpapers/.

Other Applications (incomplete)

The launchers for applications required by scripts should be located under: $HOME/apps, $HOME/.config/awesome
also check $HOME/.config/awesome/, and the bottom of $HOME/.config/awesome/rc.lua

app required by note
fastfetch kitty
lolcat kitty package manager
bat / batcat fish package manager
eza fish package manager
python3-pynvim neovim package manager
npm neovim sudo npm install -g neovim
xclip fish, awesome
wl-copy fish, hyprland
fzf fish, hyprland, awesome package manager
distrobox hyprland, awesome package manager

pacman config

located at /etc/pacman.conf
Under "misc options" add:

# Misc options

ParallelDownloads = 5


my custom home dot files






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