This project was created in order to implement a simple private stock exchange blockchain ledger based on ethereum.
You need to have a solidity editor/compiler
For Example:
- Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio Code Solidity Plugin/Compiler
First I will start by creating the contract
Our contract will use solidity 0.5.0 compiler and it will be named StockExchange.
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract StockExchange {
I will now add the asset
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract StockExchange {
struct Asset {
address creator;
bytes6 id; // 6 bytes string
int price;
int quantity;
The asset is the company identified by a 6 bytes string (id), that have a certain number of stocks (quantity) that is willing to sell it at a certain price (price).
I will now add the transaction
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract StockExchange {
struct Asset {
address creator;
bytes6 id; // 6 bytes string
int price;
int quantity;
struct Transaction {
bytes6 source;
bytes6 target;
int quantity;
int price;
uint256 timestamp;
int8 state; // 0:PENDING / 1:VALIDATED / 2:REJECTED
The principle is simple:
- A transaction needs to be from source to target (the source buys from the target).
- A buyer will buy a certain quantity of stocks.
- A stock price is the same as the targets price.
- The timestamp is the time of transaction execution or now/ block.timestamp.
- The state can be:
- Pending: when the transaction has been created.
- Validated: when the transaction is valid, this means that the target quantity is credited and the transaction has been executed.
- Rejected: in this case, the desired quantity is not available
Note: A partial transaction is split on 2 (Completed and Rejected)
Let's say I have 2 assets ("ARSLEN", 1,3)
and ("TUNAIR", 1, 4)
I have this transaction coming from ARSLEN to TUNAIR ("ARSLEN", "TUNAIR", 5)
I know that ARSLEN can buy only 4 from TUNAIR, because it has only 4 available stocks.
So the resulting transactions will be 2 assuming there is n previous transactions executed by the system.
- Transaction n+1: A validated transaction
("ARSLEN", "TUNAIR", 4, 1, timestamp_of_tn+1, 1)
- Transaction n+2: A rejected transaction
("ARSLEN", "TUNAIR", 1, 1, timestamp_of_tn+2, 0)
Now I will add the mappings
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract StockExchange {
struct Asset {
address creator;
bytes6 id; // 6 bytes string
int price;
int quantity;
struct Transaction {
bytes6 source;
bytes6 target;
int quantity;
int price;
uint256 timestamp;
int8 state; // 0:PENDING / 1:VALIDATED / 2:REJECTED
int transaction_count;
int asset_count;
// transactions list
mapping (int => Transaction) transactions;
// assets list
mapping (int => Asset) assets;
Warning: The lists starts from index 1 and ends at transaction_count or asset_count depending on the desired list.
Well I have 2 payable functions because they change the state of the contract:
- register: registers an asset
- transact: executes a transaction
Note: the functions need to be paid in gas as transaction in ethereum, otherwise they will not be executed.
I will now describe briefly the functions
- stringsEqual: a private function to compare strings.
- getAssetIndex: a function that returns the index of the asset by a given id (bytes6), 1 <= index <= assets_count.
- getAssetsCount: returns the number of available assets.
- getTransactionsCount: returns the number of transactions.
- getAssetByIndex: returns an Asset by a given index.
- getAsset: returns an Asset by a given id.
- getTransactionByIndex: returns a transaction by a given index id.
- getNextTransactionIdInvolvingAsset: returns a transaction index by a given id and a start position.
Now we will add events, that will enable us to get the event list, filter them and it's a tweak to get the list of all assets and transactions.
Events in smart contracts write data to the transaction receipt logs, providing a way to get extra information about a smart contract transactions.
// Events
event AssetJoined(address indexed asset_address, int index, bytes6 id, int quantity, int price, uint256 timestamp);
event TransactionExecuted(address indexed source_address, int source_asset_index, int target_asset_index, bytes6 source,
bytes6 target, int quantity, int price, uint256 timestamp, int8 state);
event AssetUpdated(address indexed asset_address, int index, bytes6 id, int quantity, int price, uint256 timestamp);
Describing the events:
- AssetJoined: fired when an asset joins the network.
- AssetUpdated: fired when an asset joins the network again with different quantity and prices (or same), but it already exists in the list.
- TransactionExecuted: fired whenever a transaction is executed.
Goes to me, the moon :p