This project will give you the idea on how to design your cassandra tables in scala using the phantom-dsl. My inspiration is to bring here a more real world example based on this library.
In the class Connector
you will find a connector that connects to a Cassandra Cluster
Phantom-DSL offers to you an easy way to set the consistency level for any query you want to execute. You can set that for each query. You can see an example of it in the following classes: SongsModel
and SongsByArtistModel
. You will find this piece of code .consistencyLevel_=(ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
where you can change it to whatever you want, accordingly to your needs.
This is maybe the main goal of this project, showing to you how to handle multiple versions of the same table. Here we have:
- Songs
- SongsByArtist
You will find how to insert and delete on both tables.
This project uses docker in order to get up and running a cassandra instance.
We are using the official cassandra docker image to setup a simple host.
For convenience we are using Makefile where you will find the following commands:
- make cassandra/run
This command starts a cassandra instance in your localhost and name it as cassandra-phantom.
You can see it using the `docker ps` command.
- make cassandra/clean
It removes the existing image from your docker.
- make cassandra
Runs both command in sequence.
If you don't know Makefile, please check the links below on the Resources section.
After that you can test using sbt test
Special thanks to Flavian who have helped me to find out the best way to use phantom to model our Cassandra tables.