Extracts timetable information for a subject from the FPT University Academic Portal.
Install this script using TamperMonkey or any compatible user script manager.
- Select a class to move out on FAP/Move out class.
- Choose the first class in the class list.
- The script will iterate through all classes, and once it reaches the last class, a CSV file containing the timetable for each class will be downloaded.
The CSV file can be oppened with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheet or any alternative.
Here is a sample timetable and how to interpret it:
ClassName | Day/Slot | Day/Slot
SE1806 | Tue1 | Thu2
The script includes a feature to assist with the feedback process. Once you manually open the feedback forms, the script automates the process of filling and submitting the feedback. It automatically selects all radio buttons with a value of "3" and clicks the "Send Feedback" button.
- FPT is a registered trademark of FPT Corporation.
- Due to the nature of FAP, it is not possible to retrieve a full list of all classes, only those with available slot(s) in that specific subject. Additionally, it is not possible to determine the number of available slots.