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Ph. D. Thesis in Quantum Metrology by Iagoba Apellaniz

This thesis was developed on the last year of the PhD. studies. The aim of this repository is to collect every steps on the development of it.

The public also would be able to download the source code to develop their own thesis.

Structure and some features

The project can be compiled with latexmk, which must be installed in the computer, as

$ latexmk -bibtex -pdf -shell-escape -jobname=./out/main ./main.tex

A more fine tune would be obtained with

$ jobname=main
$ tempfolder=tmp/
$ outputfolder=out/
$ latexmk -bibtex -pdf -shell-escape -jobname=./$tempfolder$jobname ./main.tex
$ cp ./$tempfolder$jobname.pdf ./$outputfolder$jobname.pdf
$ cp ./$tempfolder$jobname.pdf ./$outputfolder$jobname.pdf

This way all the auxiliary files remain in tmp/ folder and only the main outputs are copied to out/ folder, overwriting any file if that's the case.

Root folder /

This is the main folder for the TEX code of the thesis.

As a convection here we use main.tex, which is the target file for latexmk. The main TEX files start with NN- to reflect the order in which they are imported or they appear in the text. Two special cases are the appendix and the bibliography files which are appendix.tex and biblio.bib, respectively.

The bibliography file is written as a BIB file (Find in internet for BibTex for more information).

Another important file in the root folder is the hidden file, which creates several copies of the final PDF for different purposes.

Images folder img/

Here are the main images used by the LaTeX code.

The source code to generate the images are located in plot_src/, svg_src/, blend_src/, and so on. Each of them containing the source for creating the different images.

Inside svg_src/ there is a special folder: tex_sae/. This folder contains a script that works with latexmk to build a stand alone equation to import it to the different SVG images. Run that script, to create the equation_tmp.tex file you can edit later for producing the equations. Run the script from the project folder as

$ ./img/svg_src/tex_sae/

Styling snipets snp/

Here one can find the styling files used as code chunks or as styling files.

Output folder out/

The main PDF is found here as well as some other interesting files generated with

$ ./