iexec / Exports
- BrowserProviderSignerAdapter
- EnhancedWallet
- IExec
- IExecAccountModule
- IExecAppModule
- IExecConfig
- IExecDatasetModule
- IExecDealModule
- IExecENSModule
- IExecHubModule
- IExecModule
- IExecNetworkModule
- IExecOrderModule
- IExecOrderbookModule
- IExecResultModule
- IExecSecretsModule
- IExecStorageModule
- IExecTaskModule
- IExecVoucherModule
- IExecWalletModule
- IExecWorkerpoolModule
- Observable
- Address
- Addressish
- AnyRecord
- BNish
- Bytes
- Bytes32
- Dealid
- HumanSingleTag
- Multiaddress
- NRLCAmount
- OrderHash
- Tag
- TaskIndex
- Taskid
- TeeFramework
- TxHash
- WeiAmount
Re-exports BN
Ƭ Address: string
ethereum address
const address = '0xF048eF3d7E3B33A465E0599E641BB29421f7Df92';
ethereum address or ENS
Ƭ AnyRecord: Record
, any
Ƭ BNish: BN
| bigint
| string
| number
big number like
Ƭ Bytes: string
bytes hex string
const NULL_BYTES = '0x';
Ƭ Bytes32: string
bytes 32 hex string
const bytes32 = '0x800e8dca929fd7b6ced10b5f84487c49f7be79b2eed662827eccba258ef883c6';
Ƭ Dealid: Bytes32
id of a deal
Ƭ ENS: string
const ensName = 'iexec.eth';
Ƭ HumanSingleTag: string
human redable task tag
const teeTag = 'tee';
Ƭ Multiaddress: string
| Buffer
const url = ''
const ipfs = '/ipfs/QmW2WQi7j6c7UgJTarActp7tDNikE4B2qXtFCfLPdsgaTQ'
Ƭ NRLCAmount: number
| string
| BN
nRLC amount (nRLC stands for nano RLC, the smallest sub-division of the RLC token: 1 RLC = 1,000,000,000 nRLC).
named units ('nRLC', 'RLC') can be used with the format ${amount} ${unit}
// number
const oneNRLC = 1;
const tenRLC = 1000000000;
// string (works for amounts above `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`)
const tenMillionRLC = '10000000000000000';
// string with unit
const fiveRLC = '5 RLC';
const zeroPointOneRLC = '0.1 RLC';
// BN (from utils)
const tenNRLC = new BN(10);
Ƭ OrderHash: Bytes32
order hash
Ƭ Tag: Bytes32
| HumanSingleTag
task tag used to specify the runtime
const gpuTag = ['gpu'];
const sconeTeeTag = ['tee', 'scone'];
const gramineTeeTag = ['tee', 'gramine'];
Ƭ TaskIndex: number
index of a task in a bag of tasks
Ƭ Taskid: Bytes32
id of a task
Ƭ TeeFramework: "scone"
| "gramine"
Trusted Execution Environment name
Ƭ TxHash: Bytes32
transaction hash
Ƭ WeiAmount: number
| string
| BN
wei amount (wei is the smallest sub-division of ether: 1 ether = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 wei).
named units ('wei', 'kwei', 'mwei', 'gwei', 'szabo', 'finney', 'ether' or 'eth') can be used with the format ${amount} ${unit}
// number
const oneWei = 1;
const tenGigaWei = 1000000000;
// string (works for amounts above `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`)
const oneEth = '1000000000000000000';
// string with unit
const fiveGigaWei = '5 gwei';
const zeroPointOneEth = '0.1 ether';
// BN (from utils)
const tenWei = new BN(10);