- 🤖 Introduction
- ⚙️ Tech Stack
- 🔋 Features
- 🔗 Links
- 🚀 More
- Node.js
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Blocknote
- Zod
- Shadcn
- Clerk
- Zustand
- EdgeStore
👉 Authentication (CRUD) with Clerk: User management through Clerk, ensuring secure and efficient authentication.
👉 Search Orders: Quick and efficient search functionality for orders, facilitating easy tracking and management.
👉 Real-time database: Uses a streaming technologies to handle workloads whose state is constantly changing.
- Notion-style editor
👉 Light and Dark mode
👉 Infinite sub notes: You can add Infinite sub notes on your main notes
👉 File features:
- File upload (Cover Photo)
- File deletion (Cover Photo)
- File replacement (Cover Photo)
- Cover image of each document
👉 Icons for each notes: Icon changer aside from the title it self (real-time changer)
👉 Sidebar:
- Expandable sidebar
- Collapsable sidebar
👉 Responsiveness:
- Mobile
- Desktop
- Laptop
👉 Publishable note to the web: Unathenticated or Athenticated User can see your published note
- Authenticated or Unauthenticated user can't edit your published note/s.
- Authenticated or Unauthenticated user can only view your published note using the link provided.
👉 Landing page: a amazing standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign.
👉 Archive: files can be retrieve.
and many more, including code architecture and reusability.
Live website will be found here
Website updates, code changes, README changes will be on track if not busy