This is a sample of code from my game Skycadia for the Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S and One, and Steam. Skycadia is like Devil Daggers as a colorful Dreamcast dogfighter 🛩
- Developed and published a physics-based flying sim for Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S & One, and Steam
- Programmed with a single code base using Unity and C#, with some C++ for console support
- Created state machine flight AI for physics-driven allies and enemies
- Programmed and debugged online features and saving/loading functionality for all platforms using asynchronous techniques and coroutines
- Optimized physics and rendering to support a wide range of platforms
- Developed code, editor tools, and UI to support creation of customizable pilots, ships, and weapons
- Trained and mentored over a dozen interns in all aspects of game development, including C# programming for complex interconnected game systems