This repository exists mainly because I needed to upgrade Marcio's NightScout addon for Home Assistant and I wanted to have multiple instances.
This serves solely for my personal usage so if you would like to reuse I recommend to fork or copy&paste the code because there will be unannounced updates or breaking changes.
The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other Home Assistant add-on.
- [Add our Home Assistant add-ons repository][repository] to your Home Assistant instance.
- Install the "Nightscout XYZ" add-on.
- Change the configuration files with the required values.
- Start the "Nightscout" add-on
- Check the logs of the "Nightscout" add-on to see if everything went well.
- Click "OPEN WEB UI" to open the Nightscout website.
- Log in with your