Use this template to bootstrap the creation of a TypeScript action.
- 🪄️ All of the code is written in TypeScript
- ✨ Fully customized eslint configuration based on the config by Antfu
- 🧪 Write tests quickly and conveniently with vitest
- 🤝 Supports conventional commits
- 💅 Generate beautiful changelogs with changelogen
- ♾️ GitHub CI for your build
- 📢 Issue templates
- 📝 Pull request template
- 🤖 Ready configuration for renovatebot with renovate-config
- 🚀 Action releases with just one command
This is a template repo. Click the green Use this template button to get started.
git clone
cd github-action-template
pnpm install
The template contains the following scripts:
- Build for productionrelease
- Generate changelog and npm publishlint
- Checks your code for any linting errorstest
- Run all teststest:watch
- Run all tests with watch modetest:coverage
- Run all tests with code coverage reporttypecheck
- Run TypeScript type checkingprepare
- Script for setting up husky hooks
If you are using this template, feel free to open a PR to add your project to the list.
This template was created under the MIT License.