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@github-actions github-actions released this 22 Sep 14:27
· 283 commits to main since this release

Release Notes

New Features

  • Add a new attribute to EHydro class called survey_grid. It's a geopandas.GeoDataFrame that includes the survey grid of the eHydro dataset which is a 35-km hexagonal grid.
  • Add support for getting point cloud and survey outline data from eHydro. You can set data_type in EHydro to bathymetry, points, outlines, or contours to get the corresponding data. The default is points since this is the recommended data type by USACE.
  • Add NFHL class within nfhl module to access FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) using six different ArcGISRESTFul services. Contributed by Fernando Aristizabal. (108{.interpreted-text role="pull_hydro"})

Internal Changes

  • Remove dependency on dask.
  • Move all NLCD related functions to a separate module called nlcd. This doesn't affect the API since the functions are still available under pygeohydro namespace.