FFDW - Milestone 3 — Versioned Content Discovery and Redundancy
DWeb publication opens up many opportunities that are difficult to achieve using traditional publishing methods, but also faces various usability challenges. This milestone explores what is possible by focusing on automatic content replication and versioning of content over time, making content and their histories highly available and linkable.
Content st…
DWeb publication opens up many opportunities that are difficult to achieve using traditional publishing methods, but also faces various usability challenges. This milestone explores what is possible by focusing on automatic content replication and versioning of content over time, making content and their histories highly available and linkable.
Content storage redundancy: Sutty currently has two servers synced using Syncthing as a redundancy strategy, this internal synchronization will be replaced with a system based on IPFS. This includes Sutty adopting the activestorage-ipfs Rails plugin into their infrastructure. Distributed Press will add support for remote pinning for both IPFS and Hypercore so all content will automatically acquire at least 3x redundancy on these networks at time of publication.
Content versioning: Although some content versioning features are already available, Distributed Press will officially support listing and fetching of specific versions of published content, along with API responses that it internally generates over time. This allows third-parties to link not only to the current version of a website in IPFS and Hypercore, but also past versions from a particular point in time. Therefore it will be possible to observe changes to content and API response values over a period.
Media type experimentations: With Sutty, we will experiment with publishing more complex media types such as responsive javascript games and large video files. The priorities will be driven by COMPOST needs as well as neighbour organizations we are in conversation with, including Mural, Understory, Matters, and prospective ones such as Global Voices, El Salto, etc.
Performance tuning: Sutty will host an IPFS gateway on their domain, based on Distributed Press Ansibles, and tune gateway performance using their own standard web servers as baseline. The learnings will feed back into the Distributed Press codebase and larger ecosystem.