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Showing 6 changed files with 91 additions and 201 deletions.
25 changes: 9 additions & 16 deletions bddtests/peer_basic.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1161,43 +1161,36 @@ Scenario: chaincode example02 with 4 peers, two stopped
| a | 100 | b | 200 |
Then I should have received a chaincode name
Then I wait up to "60" seconds for transaction to be committed to peers:
| vp0 | vp1 | vp2 | vp3 |
| vp0 | vp1 | vp2 |

When I query chaincode "example2" function name "query" with value "a" on peers:
| vp0 | vp1 | vp2 | vp3 |
| vp0 | vp1 | vp2 | vp3 |
Then I should get a JSON response from peers with "result.message" = "100"
| vp0 | vp1 | vp2 | vp3 |
| vp0 | vp1 | vp2 | vp3 |

Given I stop peers:
| vp2 | vp3 |
| vp2 | vp3 |

When I invoke chaincode "example2" function name "invoke" on "vp0"
| a | b | 10 |
Then I should have received a transactionID

Given I start peers:
| vp3 |

# Make sure vp3 catches up first
Then I wait up to "60" seconds for transaction to be committed to peers:
| vp0 | vp1 | vp3 |
When I query chaincode "example2" function name "query" with value "a" on peers:
| vp0 | vp1 | vp3 |
Then I should get a JSON response from peers with "result.message" = "90"
| vp0 | vp1 | vp3 |
| vp3 |
And I wait "15" seconds

When I invoke chaincode "example2" function name "invoke" on "vp0" "9" times
| a | b | 10 |
Then I should have received a transactionID
Then I wait up to "60" seconds for transaction to be committed to peers:
| vp0 | vp1 | vp3 |
| vp0 | vp1 | vp3 |

When I query chaincode "example2" function name "query" with value "a" on peers:
| vp0 | vp1 | vp3 |
| vp0 | vp1 | vp3 |
Then I should get a JSON response from peers with "result.message" = "0"
| vp0 | vp1 | vp3 |
| vp0 | vp1 | vp3 |

170 changes: 0 additions & 170 deletions bddtests/steps/

This file was deleted.

87 changes: 77 additions & 10 deletions bddtests/steps/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,11 +26,75 @@
import sys, requests, json

import bdd_test_util
import bdd_compose_util


class ContainerData:
def __init__(self, containerName, ipAddress, envFromInspect, composeService):
self.containerName = containerName
self.ipAddress = ipAddress
self.envFromInspect = envFromInspect
self.composeService = composeService

def getEnv(self, key):
envValue = None
for val in self.envFromInspect:
if val.startswith(key):
envValue = val[len(key):]
if envValue == None:
raise Exception("ENV key not found ({0}) for container ({1})".format(key, self.containerName))
return envValue

def parseComposeOutput(context):
"""Parses the compose output results and set appropriate values into context. Merges existing with newly composed."""
# Use the prefix to get the container name
containerNamePrefix = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) + "_"
containerNames = []
for l in context.compose_error.splitlines():
tokens = l.split()
if 1 < len(tokens):
thisContainer = tokens[1]
if containerNamePrefix not in thisContainer:
thisContainer = containerNamePrefix + thisContainer + "_1"
if thisContainer not in containerNames:

print("Containers started: ")
# Now get the Network Address for each name, and set the ContainerData onto the context.
containerDataList = []
for containerName in containerNames:
output, error, returncode = \
bdd_test_util.cli_call(context, ["docker", "inspect", "--format", "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}", containerName], expect_success=True)
print("container {0} has address = {1}".format(containerName, output.splitlines()[0]))
ipAddress = output.splitlines()[0]

# Get the environment array
output, error, returncode = \
bdd_test_util.cli_call(context, ["docker", "inspect", "--format", "{{ .Config.Env }}", containerName], expect_success=True)
env = output.splitlines()[0][1:-1].split()

# Get the Labels to access the com.docker.compose.service value
output, error, returncode = \
bdd_test_util.cli_call(context, ["docker", "inspect", "--format", "{{ .Config.Labels }}", containerName], expect_success=True)
labels = output.splitlines()[0][4:-1].split()
dockerComposeService = [composeService[27:] for composeService in labels if composeService.startswith("com.docker.compose.service:")][0]
print("dockerComposeService = {0}".format(dockerComposeService))
print("container {0} has env = {1}".format(containerName, env))
containerDataList.append(ContainerData(containerName, ipAddress, env, dockerComposeService))
# Now merge the new containerData info with existing
newContainerDataList = []
if "compose_containers" in context:
# Need to merge I new list
newContainerDataList = context.compose_containers
newContainerDataList = newContainerDataList + containerDataList

setattr(context, "compose_containers", newContainerDataList)

def buildUrl(context, ipAddress, path):
schema = "http"
if 'TLS' in context.tags:
@@ -40,19 +104,22 @@ def buildUrl(context, ipAddress, path):
def currentTime():
return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")

def getDockerComposeFileArgsFromYamlFile(compose_yaml):
parts = compose_yaml.split()
args = []
for part in parts:
args = args + ["-f"] + [part]
return args

@given(u'we compose "{composeYamlFile}"')
def step_impl(context, composeYamlFile):
context.compose_yaml = composeYamlFile
fileArgsToDockerCompose = bdd_compose_util.getDockerComposeFileArgsFromYamlFile(context.compose_yaml)
fileArgsToDockerCompose = getDockerComposeFileArgsFromYamlFile(context.compose_yaml)
context.compose_output, context.compose_error, context.compose_returncode = \
bdd_test_util.cli_call(context, ["docker-compose"] + fileArgsToDockerCompose + ["up","--force-recreate", "-d"], expect_success=True)
assert context.compose_returncode == 0, "docker-compose failed to bring up {0}".format(composeYamlFile)


timeoutSeconds = 15
assert bdd_compose_util.allContainersAreReadyWithinTimeout(context, timeoutSeconds), \
"Containers did not come up within {} seconds, aborting".format(timeoutSeconds)
time.sleep(10) # Should be replaced with a definitive interlock guaranteeing that all peers/membersrvc are ready

@when(u'requesting "{path}" from "{containerName}"')
def step_impl(context, path, containerName):
@@ -739,7 +806,7 @@ def compose_op(context, op):
assert 'table' in context, "table (of peers) not found in context"
assert 'compose_yaml' in context, "compose_yaml not found in context"

fileArgsToDockerCompose = bdd_compose_util.getDockerComposeFileArgsFromYamlFile(context.compose_yaml)
fileArgsToDockerCompose = getDockerComposeFileArgsFromYamlFile(context.compose_yaml)
services = context.table.headings
# Loop through services and start/stop them, and modify the container data list if successful.
for service in services:
@@ -749,7 +816,7 @@ def compose_op(context, op):
if op == "stop" or op == "pause":
context.compose_containers = [containerData for containerData in context.compose_containers if containerData.composeService != service]
print("After {0}ing, the container service list is = {1}".format(op, [containerData.composeService for containerData in context.compose_containers]))

def to_bytes(strlist):
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tools/dbutility/bddtests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
def before_feature(context, feature):
print("\nRunning go build")
cmd = ["go", "build", "../dump_db_stats.go"]
test_util.cli_call(cmd, expect_success=True)
test_util.cli_call(context, cmd, expect_success=True)
print("go build complete")

def after_feature(context, feature):
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tools/dbutility/bddtests/steps/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import os
import shutil

from test_util import cli_call
import test_util

@given(u'I create a dir "{dirPath}"')
def step_impl(context, dirPath):
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ def step_impl(contxt, dirPath):
@when(u'I execute utility with no flag')
def step_impl(context):
cmd = ["./dump_db_stats"]
context.output, context.error, context.returncode = cli_call(cmd, expect_success=False)
context.output, context.error, context.returncode = test_util.cli_call(context, cmd, expect_success=False)

@when(u'I execute utility with flag "{flag}" and path "{path}"')
def step_impl(context, flag, path):
cmd = ["./dump_db_stats"]
context.output, context.error, context.returncode = cli_call(cmd, expect_success=False)
context.output, context.error, context.returncode = test_util.cli_call(context, cmd, expect_success=False)

@then(u'I should get a process exit code "{expectedReturncode}"')
def step_impl(context, expectedReturncode):
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tools/dbutility/bddtests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import subprocess

def cli_call(arg_list, expect_success=True):
def cli_call(context, arg_list, expect_success=True):
p = subprocess.Popen(arg_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:

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