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[FAB-17059] Extend private data integration tests to cover case when a
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new eligible peer with different certs joins the channel and attempts to fetch
private data before processing the config update that adds its certs to
the channel config

Signed-off-by: Danny Cao <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
caod123 authored and denyeart committed Feb 14, 2020
1 parent ca1ae38 commit a9a1d07
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Showing 2 changed files with 279 additions and 39 deletions.
316 changes: 278 additions & 38 deletions integration/pvtdata/pvtdata_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,18 +12,23 @@ import (

. ""
. ""

docker ""
mspp ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,14 +104,51 @@ var _ bool = Describe("PrivateData", func() {
process ifrit.Process
orderer *nwo.Orderer
expectedPeers []*nwo.Peer
peerProcesses map[string]ifrit.Process

BeforeEach(func() {
testDir, network = initThreeOrgsSetup()

JustBeforeEach(func() {
process, orderer, expectedPeers = startNetwork(network)
By("starting the network")
peerProcesses = make(map[string]ifrit.Process)

members := grouper.Members{
{Name: "brokers", Runner: network.BrokerGroupRunner()},
{Name: "orderers", Runner: network.OrdererGroupRunner()},
networkRunner := grouper.NewOrdered(syscall.SIGTERM, members)
process = ifrit.Invoke(networkRunner)

org1peer0 := network.Peer("org1", "peer0")
org2peer0 := network.Peer("org2", "peer0")
org3peer0 := network.Peer("org3", "peer0")

testPeers := []*nwo.Peer{org1peer0, org2peer0, org3peer0}
for _, peer := range testPeers {
pr := network.PeerRunner(peer)
p := ifrit.Invoke(pr)
peerProcesses[peer.ID()] = p
Eventually(p.Ready(), network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(BeClosed())

orderer = network.Orderer("orderer")
network.CreateAndJoinChannel(orderer, "testchannel")
network.UpdateChannelAnchors(orderer, "testchannel")

expectedPeers = []*nwo.Peer{

By("verifying membership")
verifyMembership(network, expectedPeers, "testchannel")

By("installing and instantiating chaincode on all peers")
chaincode := nwo.Chaincode{
Name: "marblesp",
Expand All @@ -125,6 +167,12 @@ var _ bool = Describe("PrivateData", func() {

AfterEach(func() {
for _, peerProcess := range peerProcesses {
if peerProcess != nil {
Eventually(peerProcess.Wait(), network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(Receive())
testCleanup(testDir, network, process)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,29 +247,56 @@ var _ bool = Describe("PrivateData", func() {

// This test has been extended to also verify private data is pulled if the peer has had its ca cert rolled
// prior to processing a config update change
It("verify private data is pulled when joining a new peer in an org that belongs to collection config", func() {
By("verify access of initial setup")

By("peer1.org2 joins the channel")
By("generating new certs for org2peer1")
org2peer1 := network.Peer("org2", "peer1")
network.JoinChannel("testchannel", orderer, org2peer1)
org2peer1.Channels = append(org2peer1.Channels, &nwo.PeerChannel{Name: "testchannel", Anchor: false})
tempCryptoDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "crypto")
defer os.RemoveAll(tempCryptoDir)
generateNewCertsForPeer(network, tempCryptoDir, org2peer1)

ledgerHeight := getLedgerHeight(network, network.Peer("org1", "peer0"), "testchannel")
By("updating the channel config with the new certs")
updateConfigWithNewCertsForPeer(network, tempCryptoDir, orderer, org2peer1)

By("fetch latest blocks to peer1.org2")
sess, err := network.PeerAdminSession(org2peer1, commands.ChannelFetch{
Block: "newest",
By("starting the peer1.org2 process")
pr := network.PeerRunner(org2peer1)
p := ifrit.Invoke(pr)
peerProcesses[org2peer1.ID()] = p
Eventually(p.Ready(), network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(BeClosed())

By("joining peer1.org2 to the channel with its Admin2 user")
tempFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "genesis-block")
defer os.Remove(tempFile.Name())

sess, err := network.PeerUserSession(org2peer1, "Admin2", commands.ChannelFetch{
Block: "0",
ChannelID: "testchannel",
Orderer: network.OrdererAddress(orderer, nwo.ListenPort),
OutputFile: filepath.Join(testDir, "newest_block.pb")})
OutputFile: tempFile.Name(),
Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))

sess, err = network.PeerUserSession(org2peer1, "Admin2", commands.ChannelJoin{
BlockPath: tempFile.Name(),
Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
Expect(sess.Err).To(gbytes.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Received block: %d", ledgerHeight-1)))

By("install chaincode on peer1.org2 to be able to query it")
org2peer1.Channels = append(org2peer1.Channels, &nwo.PeerChannel{Name: "testchannel", Anchor: false})

ledgerHeight := getLedgerHeight(network, network.Peer("org1", "peer0"), "testchannel")

By("fetching latest blocks to peer1.org2")
// Retry channel fetch until peer1.org2 retrieves latest block
// Channel Fetch will repeatedly fail until org2peer1 commits the config update adding its new cert
Eventually(fetchBlocksForPeer(network, org2peer1, "Admin2", testDir), network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gbytes.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Received block: %d", ledgerHeight-1)))

By("installing chaincode on peer1.org2 to be able to query it")
chaincode := nwo.Chaincode{
Name: "marblesp",
Version: "1.0",
Expand All @@ -230,38 +305,88 @@ var _ bool = Describe("PrivateData", func() {
Policy: `OR ('Org1MSP.member','Org2MSP.member', 'Org3MSP.member')`,
CollectionsConfig: filepath.Join("testdata", "collection_configs", "collections_config1.json")}

nwo.InstallChaincode(network, chaincode, org2peer1)
sess, err = network.PeerUserSession(org2peer1, "Admin2", commands.ChaincodeInstall{
Name: chaincode.Name,
Version: chaincode.Version,
Path: chaincode.Path,
Lang: chaincode.Lang,
PackageFile: chaincode.PackageFile,
Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))

sess, err = network.PeerUserSession(org2peer1, "Admin2", commands.ChaincodeListInstalled{})
Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
Expect(sess).To(gbytes.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Name: %s, Version: %s,", chaincode.Name, chaincode.Version)))

expectedPeers = []*nwo.Peer{
network.Peer("org1", "peer0"),
network.Peer("org2", "peer0"),
network.Peer("org2", "peer1"),
network.Peer("org3", "peer0")}
network.Peer("org3", "peer0"),

By("verifying membership")
verifyMembership(network, expectedPeers, "testchannel", "marblesp")
By("making sure all peers have the same ledger height")
for _, peer := range expectedPeers {
Eventually(func() int {
var (
sess *gexec.Session
err error
if peer.ID() == "org2.peer1" {
// use Admin2 user for peer1.org2
sess, err = network.PeerUserSession(peer, "Admin2", commands.ChannelInfo{
ChannelID: "testchannel",
Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
channelInfoStr := strings.TrimPrefix(string(sess.Buffer().Contents()[:]), "Blockchain info:")
var channelInfo = common.BlockchainInfo{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(channelInfoStr), &channelInfo)
return int(channelInfo.Height)

// If not org2.peer1, just use regular getLedgerHeight call with User1
return getLedgerHeight(network, peer, "testchannel")
}(), network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(Equal(
getLedgerHeight(network, network.Peer("org1", "peer0"), "testchannel")))

By("make sure all peers have the same ledger height")
waitUntilAllPeersSameLedgerHeight(network, expectedPeers, "testchannel", getLedgerHeight(network, network.Peer("org1", "peer0"), "testchannel"))
By("verifying membership")
expectedDiscoveredPeers := make([]nwo.DiscoveredPeer, 0, len(expectedPeers))
for _, peer := range expectedPeers {
expectedDiscoveredPeers = append(expectedDiscoveredPeers, network.DiscoveredPeer(peer, "marblesp"))
for _, peer := range expectedPeers {
By(fmt.Sprintf("checking expected peers for peer: %s", peer.ID()))
if peer.ID() == "org2.peer1" {
// use Admin2 user for peer1.org2
Eventually(nwo.DiscoverPeers(network, peer, "Admin2", "testchannel"), network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(ConsistOf(expectedDiscoveredPeers))
} else {
Eventually(nwo.DiscoverPeers(network, peer, "User1", "testchannel"), network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(ConsistOf(expectedDiscoveredPeers))

By("verify peer1.org2 got the private data that was created historically")
ChannelID: "testchannel",
Name: "marblesp",
Ctor: `{"Args":["readMarble","marble1"]}`},
By("verifying peer1.org2 got the private data that was created historically")
sess, err = network.PeerUserSession(org2peer1, "Admin2", commands.ChaincodeQuery{
ChannelID: "testchannel",
Name: "marblesp",
Ctor: `{"Args":["readMarble","marble1"]}`,
Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))

ChannelID: "testchannel",
Name: "marblesp",
Ctor: `{"Args":["readMarblePrivateDetails","marble1"]}`},
sess, err = network.PeerUserSession(org2peer1, "Admin2", commands.ChaincodeQuery{
ChannelID: "testchannel",
Name: "marblesp",
Ctor: `{"Args":["readMarblePrivateDetails","marble1"]}`,
Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -735,7 +860,6 @@ func startNetwork(n *nwo.Network) (ifrit.Process, *nwo.Orderer, []*nwo.Peer) {
verifyMembership(n, expectedPeers, "testchannel")

return process, orderer, expectedPeers


func verifyAccessInitialSetup(network *nwo.Network) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -874,3 +998,119 @@ func verifyPvtdataHash(n *nwo.Network, chaincodeQueryCmd commands.ChaincodeQuery
Expect(bytes.Contains(actual, expected)).To(Equal(true))

// fetchBlocksForPeer attempts to fetch the newest block on the given peer.
// It skips the orderer and returns the session's Err buffer for parsing.
func fetchBlocksForPeer(n *nwo.Network, peer *nwo.Peer, user, testDir string) func() *gbytes.Buffer {
return func() *gbytes.Buffer {
sess, err := n.PeerUserSession(peer, user, commands.ChannelFetch{
Block: "newest",
ChannelID: "testchannel",
OutputFile: filepath.Join(testDir, "newest_block.pb"),
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit())
return sess.Err

// updateConfigWithNewCertsForPeer updates the channel config with new certs for the designated peer
func updateConfigWithNewCertsForPeer(network *nwo.Network, tempCryptoDir string, orderer *nwo.Orderer, peer *nwo.Peer) {
org := network.Organization(peer.Organization)

By("fetching the channel policy")
currentConfig := nwo.GetConfig(network, network.Peer("org1", "peer0"), orderer, "testchannel")
updatedConfig := proto.Clone(currentConfig).(*common.Config)

By("parsing the old and new MSP configs")
oldConfig := &mspp.MSPConfig{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(

tempOrgMSPPath := filepath.Join(tempCryptoDir, "peerOrganizations", org.Domain, "msp")
newConfig, err := msp.GetVerifyingMspConfig(tempOrgMSPPath, org.MSPID, "bccsp")
oldMspConfig := &mspp.FabricMSPConfig{}
newMspConfig := &mspp.FabricMSPConfig{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(oldConfig.Config, oldMspConfig)
err = proto.Unmarshal(newConfig.Config, newMspConfig)

By("merging the two MSP configs")
updateOldMspConfigWithNewMspConfig(oldMspConfig, newMspConfig)

By("updating the channel config")
updatedConfig.ChannelGroup.Groups["Application"].Groups["org2"].Values["MSP"].Value = utils.MarshalOrPanic(
Type: oldConfig.Type,
Config: utils.MarshalOrPanic(oldMspConfig),
nwo.UpdateConfig(network, orderer, "testchannel", currentConfig, updatedConfig, false, network.Peer(org.Name, "peer0"))

// updateOldMspConfigWithNewMspConfig updates the oldMspConfig with certs from the newMspConfig
func updateOldMspConfigWithNewMspConfig(oldMspConfig, newMspConfig *mspp.FabricMSPConfig) {
oldMspConfig.RootCerts = append(oldMspConfig.RootCerts, newMspConfig.RootCerts...)
oldMspConfig.TlsRootCerts = append(oldMspConfig.TlsRootCerts, newMspConfig.TlsRootCerts...)
oldMspConfig.FabricNodeOus.PeerOuIdentifier.Certificate = nil
oldMspConfig.FabricNodeOus.ClientOuIdentifier.Certificate = nil
oldMspConfig.FabricNodeOus.AdminOuIdentifier.Certificate = nil

// generateNewCertsForPeer generates new certs with cryptogen for the designated peer and copies
// the necessary certs to the original crypto dir as well as creating an Admin2 user to use for
// any peer operations involving the peer
func generateNewCertsForPeer(network *nwo.Network, tempCryptoDir string, peer *nwo.Peer) {
sess, err := network.Cryptogen(commands.Generate{
Config: network.CryptoConfigPath(),
Output: tempCryptoDir,
Eventually(sess, network.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))

By("copying the new msp certs for the peer to the original crypto dir")
oldPeerMSPPath := network.PeerLocalMSPDir(peer)
org := network.Organization(peer.Organization)
tempPeerMSPPath := filepath.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", peer.Name, org.Domain),
err = exec.Command("cp", "-r", tempPeerMSPPath, oldPeerMSPPath).Run()

// This lets us keep the old user certs for the org for any peers still remaining in the org
// using the old certs
By("copying the new Admin user cert to the original user certs dir as Admin2")
oldAdminUserPath := filepath.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("Admin2@%s", org.Domain),
tempAdminUserPath := filepath.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("Admin@%s", org.Domain),
err = exec.Command("cp", "-r", tempAdminUserPath, oldAdminUserPath).Run()
// We need to rename the signcert from Admin to Admin2 as well
err = os.Rename(
filepath.Join(oldAdminUserPath, "msp", "signcerts", fmt.Sprintf("Admin@%s-cert.pem", org.Domain)),
filepath.Join(oldAdminUserPath, "msp", "signcerts", fmt.Sprintf("Admin2@%s-cert.pem", org.Domain)),

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