External builders and launchers for Hyperledger Fabric
Archived: This project has now been archived due to more recent alternatives being available.
- CCaaS builder: chaincode as a service builder in the main fabric repository
- k8s builder: experimental kubernetes builder
It would be better to generate core.yaml from the copy in Hyperledger Fabric, i.e. add the external builder configuration, instead of having an out of date copy here.
Requires shellcheck, and bats-core:
shellcheck -x builders/**/*.sh builders/**/{detect,build,release,run} tools/*.sh
docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/code" bats/bats:latest -r /code/test
Build a peer image configured to use the new builders:
docker build -t hyperledgendary/fabric-builder-peer .
Start a fabric network using the new peer image. For example, edit docker-compose.yaml file to use the extended peer image:
image: hyperledgendary/fabric-builder-peer:latest
Package chaincode for required builder:
- Setting Up the External Chaincode Builder and Launcher in Hyperledger Fabric 2.0
- How to implement Hyperledger Fabric External Chaincodes within a Kubernetes cluster
See wiki for more information