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WebSocket Server for AWS Transcribe Streaming

This WebSocket server provides real-time speech-to-text transcription using AWS Transcribe Streaming.


  • Real-time transcription of audio streams.
  • Supports multiple languages and audio encoding formats.
  • Provides partial and final transcription results.
  • Health check endpoint for monitoring server status.
  • Graceful shutdown and error handling.


  • AWS Account: Required for AWS Transcribe Streaming service.
  • Node.js: Ensure Node.js is installed on your system.
  • Environment Variables: Configure necessary environment variables.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd your-repo
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables:

    Create a .env file in the project root with the following variables:

    API_TOKEN=your-api-token # for client authorization
    LOG_LEVEL=info # optional: debug, info, warn, error

    If another AWS credential method is preferred, update the aws-sdk configuration in server.js. Right now it uses fromEnv().

Running the Server

Start the server with:

npm start

The server will listen on the port specified in the PORT environment variable.

Health Check Endpoint

  • URL: http://your-server-address:PORT/health

  • Method: GET

  • Response:

    { "status": "ok" }

Use this endpoint to monitor the server's health status.


The server uses pino for logging. Logs include:

  • Connection events
  • Transcription results
  • Errors and exceptions
  • Memory usage statistics

Log Levels can be set using the LOG_LEVEL environment variable (debug, info, warn, error).

In development mode, logs are written to the console. In production, logs are also written to a file in JSON format.

Environment Variables Summary

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS access key ID for Transcribe service.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS secret access key for Transcribe service.
  • AWS_REGION: AWS region where Transcribe service is available.
  • PORT: Port number the server listens on.
  • API_TOKEN: Token used for client authorization.
  • LOG_LEVEL (optional): Logging level for the server.

Graceful Shutdown

The server handles SIGTERM and SIGINT signals to allow for graceful shutdown, ensuring all active connections are properly closed.


  • Connection Refused: Ensure the server is running and the port is open.
  • Authorization Failed: Verify the token parameter matches API_TOKEN.
  • Invalid Parameters: Check that query parameters are correctly formatted.
  • Transcription Timeout: Ensure audio data is being sent consistently.


This project is licensed under the EUPL-1.2-or-later license. See the LICENSE file for details.

Note: Replace your-server-address, your-api-token, and other placeholders with actual values relevant to your deployment.


WebSocket server for AWS Transcribe Streaming







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