Material You cloud music player.
Music Service:
- Jellyfin(wip)
- Netease Cloud Music
- Qt 6.8 (quick, dbus, sql)
- C++ 23
- Openssl 3
- FFmpeg 7
- Curl
git clone
git submodule update --init
cmake -S . -B build -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build
# run without install
export QML_IMPORT_PATH=$PWD/build/qml_modules
# install
cmake --install build
Desktop lyrics
use waylyrics
How to debug in flatpak
flatpak install io.github.hypengw.Qcm.Debug flatpak run --devel --command=bash io.github.hypengw.Qcm # 1. run directly [📦 io.github.hypengw.Qcm ~]$ gdb Qcm (gdb) run Enable debuginfod for this session? (y or [n]) n ... # get the stacktrace (gdb) bt # 2. or use coredump file coredumpctl dump <id> -o flatpak run --devel --filesystem=host --command=bash io.github.hypengw.Qcm [📦 io.github.hypengw.Qcm ~]$ gdb Qcm ...
- jellyfin
- subsonic
- mac/win
- offline mode
- playing page colorpick
- playing page blur
- android
- sql cjk fts
- sql fts
- private radio
- sql api model
- user session switch
- feedback
- upload
- fade in/out
- sidebar popup
- search page
- lyric
- audio cache using http proxy(AndroidVideoCache)
- cache limit
- sql cache
- mpris
- api
- json
- http lib(libcurl)