If You like to use latest lib , please contact me by email . Thare are some key changes I didnt upload yet.
Small , easy to use , pure AS3 library for reading touch data and dispatching Touch or Mouse events on DisplayObjects .
Library allow to add own extensions and data parsers , so You dont have to edit any file to setup own data types .
How it works : connect to socket , emulate touch using build-in functions or recive (TouchLib can automaticly choose data type) and parse bytes , dispatch events on display list just like mouse or touch interaction .
- CCV TCP (binary socket)
- CCV flash XML
- TUIO UDP (with AIR)
- formated TouchEvents (FlashEvents , described lower)
To quick init , use TouchManager initialize functions :
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchManager;
This code will create Socket , connect to localhost on port 3000 and listen for data .
To customize address , port and output/input mode , You can use params :
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchManager;
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchOutput;
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchProtocol;
TouchManager.initConnection(stage , "" , 3333 , TouchProtocol.CCVINPUT , TouchOutput.TOUCH );
Touch manager will connect to address , listene for CCV data type and dispatch TouchEvent’s .
Initialize with own Socket connection :
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchManager;
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchOutput;
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchProtocol;
TouchManager.initSocket(stage, socket , TouchProtocol.FLASHEVENT , TouchOutput.MOUSE);
This code will listen for socket data in FlashEvents mode and dispatch MouseEvent’s
Input element inform about format of incomming data . Build-in functions to parse binary data contains TouchProtocol class .
To set input , use code :
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchManager; import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchProtocol;
TouchManager.inputMode = TouchProtocol.FLASHEVENT
Output provide 2 modes : MouseEvent or TouchEvent .
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchManager; import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchOutput;
TouchManager.outputMode = TouchOutput.MOUSE
TouchManager.outputMode = TouchOutput.TOUCH
h4@ Advanced usage :
Lib is ready to add own extensions without any code change .
For this You can look into at TouchCore class or simply add function using TouchManager :
import com.nuigroup.touch.TouchManager;
import flash.utils.IDataInput;
function YourParseFunction(data:IDataInput):void {
// Your code
// ParserName is title for index in object than contain parsers
// You can always switch to other parser and back to this by set
// TouchManager.inputMode = "ParserName";
// Head is begging of binary message . Head is for automode that automaticly compare header with begging of message
// and choose parser .
// last boolean value define inputMode , if true - input mode is set to this parser
TouchManager.addParser("ParserName" , "Head" , YourParseFunction , true);
This code will add parse function and set it as input.