Load, visualize and analyze data obtained from nanoindentation.
In order to use the application, you can simply download Indent_App.mlappinstall. Within Matlab (2013a or above), head to APPS > Install App and select the mlappinstall file. It will be added to your list of MATLAB apps.
If you prefer using the application without the apps manager of Matlab, download all the *.m files and start IndentGUI_nested.m.
Feel free to contact me on github.
The function simps was made by Damien Garcia and can be found on MathWorks' File Exchange: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25754-simpson-s-rule-for-numerical-integration/content/simps.m I would like to acknowledge Eli Billauer for the function peakdet released to the public domain (http://www.billauer.co.il/peakdet.html)