Date picker replacement for older android phones as kitkat and Samsung phones support this.
Heavily based on but updated to work with cordova 3.1.
cordova plugin install
(In coffeescript)
Create an HTML5 date input:
<input type="date" min="2012-01-01" max="2017-01-01"/>
Assign an event:
"click :input[name='DateTo']" : "_handleDate"
Code to run:
_handleDate: (e) ->
currentField = e.currentTarget
minVal = currentField.min || 0
maxVal = currentField.max || 0
#get current date from field if any
currentDate = Date.parse(currentField.value) || new Date()
if typeof currentDate == "number"
currentDate = new Date currentDate
dp = new NativeDatePicker(){
date: currentDate
mode: 'date'
minDate: Date.parse minVal
maxDate: Date.parse maxVal
}, (returnDate) ->
if returnDate != "" and returnDate != "OK"
newDate = moment(returnDate).format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
currentField.value = newDate