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The code in this directory is aimed at various OEIS sequences having to
do with finding maximum-length arithmetic progressions of numbers that
share particular properties, such as having the same number of divisors.

The bulk of the C code is aimed specifically at finding values D(n, k)
for A292580, the least integer v such that tau(v + i) = n for all
0 <= i < k.


See also the section "WINDOWS BUILD" below if you are running on

The source code is available on GitHub at:

The code requires the GNU multi-precision library "libgmp". It also uses
the code from Dana Jacobsen's CPAN distribution "Math-Prime-Util-GMP",
available from:
I recommend using the latest version from github where possible, since
it has a lot of bugfixes since the last release version.

To build, you should edit the first line of the Makefile so that MPUGMP
points to the directory where the Math-Prime-Util-GMP source can be found.
If your libgmp header file (gmp.h) is not in the standard include paths,
you will also need to modify the Makefile to include the appropriate path.

If you are using a compiler other than gcc, you will also need to set
CC_OPT to an appropriate set of optimization flags for your compiler.

There is no installation process: it is intended that the code should be
built and run in place.

The 'make' targets are:
pcoul: optimized parallel search
dpcoul: debugging parallel search
pcaul/dpcaul: equivalent to pcoul for A165498/A165499
pcrul/dpcrul: equivalent to pcoul for A309981
test_pell: a tool to solve Pell equations
ftest: test a specific factorization

Build-time options are set with defines, by passing "-D<name>" as a
parameter to the compile step. This is done by setting them on the
command line before the invocation of make, like:
  CHECK_OVERFLOW=1 make pcoul

The current build options are:

-DSQONLY: skip any walk_v() call unless at least one value is forced
to be a square. Temporary facility to allow faster rechecking if bugs
are found in squares-handling code.

-DCHECK_OVERFLOW: after finding that v_0 == r_q (mod a_q), check if
that exceeds our limit. This is not enabled by default because it
appears to cost more than it saves in almost all cases.

-DVERBOSE: print verbose information about factorization timings.

-DLARGE_MIN: add extra checks to cope better with runs where the
minimum value to check is relatively large (as specified with -x<min>:<max>).
For the majority case where min is 0 or small, we assume these checks
are an unnecessary expense; hence we do not enable them by default.

-DTRY_HARDER: also try slower factorization tests before giving up. This
adds 10 more ECM trials, the first taking about 15 minutes and each
subsequent one doubling the time. Generally this isn't worthwhile: if we
didn't find a factor before these tests, ECM probably won't find it.

-DDEBUG_ALL: print to the log file every number tested by linear search
(without a fixed square). Will fail if run without a log file.


The code is reported to build successfully on 64-bit Windows with
Cygwin, using the following steps:

1. Install Cygwin following with
the default Cygwin applications.
2. Search for and install Cygwin packages gcc-core, libgmp-devel,
libgmpxx4, make and nano (to edit makefile).
3. Get this codebase and the Math-Prime-Util-GMP code (see "BUILD" above).
You can download and unzip it to C:\cygwin64\home or install Cygwin git
and clone code in the Cygwin shell.
4. Use the Cygwin shell as a regular linux system. Edit the Makefile in
/home/divrep to set the path to Math-Prime-Util-GMP  (MPUGMP =
5. Run "make" in the Cygwin shell to compile. As a result there will be
a compiled pcoul.exe file.
6. In windows explorer find and copy this file
(C:\cygwin64\home\home\divrep\pcoul.exe) and two additional
files (cygwin1.dll and cyggmp-10.dll), pcoul.exe will not work without them.
7. Use pcoul.exe (cygwin1.dll and cyggmp-10.dll need to be in work folder).

It seems likely that on a 32-bit Windows system the same approach will
work (except the "C:\cygwin64" directory will be different).


The Makefile will typically build a binary called 'pcoul'. The standard
way to run it is:
  pcoul [-r<path to logfile>] [-f<force primes>] -x<min:max>
      [-g<damp:gain] [-p<minp:maxp>] [-P<cap>] [-s<randseed>] [-o] [-d]
      [-j<strategy>] <n> <k>

On a Unix-like system you will usually invoke it as "./pcoul". On Windows
you will usually invoke it as "pcoul" or as "pcoul.exe".

If "-r/path/to/logfile" is specified, progress is regularly written to the
specified file (by default at least once every 600s, see 'LOG' in coul.c).
If the file already exists, it will attempt to determine the last point
reached according to that log, and continue processing from that point.
By default there is no logfile, and progress will only be shown on the

If "-R" is specified, the file is _not_ read to determine the point to
recover from: calculation always goes from the beginning. This can be
useful to combine several separate runs into a single log file.

If "-f7" is specified, it will set force_all = 7 to treat all primes p <= 7
as fully forced primes (see 'HOW IT WORKS' below). By default, force_all is
set to k (the maximum) when n == 2 (mod 4), and to 0 otherwise.

If "-F7" is specified, it will set unforce_all = 7 to treat all primes
p >= 7 as unforceable. Unforceable primes are treated like partially
forced primes by suppressing batches where each power of the relevant
prime is one less than a power of 2. "-F" is equivalent to "-F1", to
treat all primes as unforceable. Default is 0, in which case no primes
are unforceable.

If "-x100:1000" is specified, it will look for solutions v_0 with
100 < v_0 <= 1000. "-x:1000" or "-x1000" are equivalent to "-x0:1000".
Also supports exponential notation (without decimal), so "-x13e6"
is equivalent to "-x13000000".
The default minimum is zero; there is no default maximum: this is a
required option.

If "-X" is specified, it will search for all solutions up to the
specified maximum. By default, it will search only for solutions that
improve on the best found so far.
Even with -X, it will still track the best solution found to report it
at the end of the run.

If "-g2:3" is specified, it will set gain = 3/2. This is a multiplier
used to control the transition from recurse() to walk_v() (see 'HOW IT
WORKS' below). A higher gain means it spends more time in recurse(),
a lower gain means it spends more time in walk_v().  Also supports
exponential notation (without decimal), so "-g13e6" is equivalent to
"-g13000000". Fine-tuning the gain can make a big difference to runtime;
default gain is 1.

If "-p50:100" is specified, it will allocate (see 'HOW IT WORKS' below)
only powers of primes p < 100, and will allocate at least one power of
a prime p > 50. This can be used to search more selectively to improve
an upper limit.  "-p:100" or "-p100" are equivalent to "-p0:100".
By default it considers all possible allocations.

If "-P50" is specified, it denotes a cap on the effective maximum prime
used to calculate the transition from recurse() to walk_v() (see 'HOW IT
WORKS' below), independently of the gain. If it is intended to split
a single "-p300" run into multiple runs with "-p100", "-p100:200",
"-p200:300" then each should be run with "-P100" (the smallest of the
-p values used) to ensure the transitions happen consistently, and so
the three runs will test all the same cases as a single "-p300" run
(*also run with -P100*).

If "-W100" is specified, it will use a different process to test all
possible cases involving p^e with p > 100, and then continue with the
normal process as if "-p100" had been specified. This can give a very
substantial speed improvement if the -W value is chosen with care.
Default is not to do this (equivalent to -Winfinity).

"-p" and "-W" may also be specified in the form "100^2" rather than
as a simple integer, in which case it expresses a limit on the
allocated power p^e rather than a limit on the prime regardless of

The extended forms "-px" and "-Wx" can be used for fine-grained control:
the minimum, maximum and threshold values in this case should be a
comma-separated list of "p^e" override values. Thus "-p100 -px1^5,0^11"
allows p <= 100 for all powers except that no powers of the form p^5
are allowed, and all powers of the form p^11.

If "-s2" is specified, it will initialize the random number generator
with seed 2, used at least for ECM factorization. The default seed is 1,
intended to help make results more reproducible.

If "-o" is specified, once all factorization strategies are exhausted
the current target and the numbers still to be factorized are logged,
and execution continues. The default is to stop execution at this point.

If "-a" is specified, it will establish only each valid set of batch
allocations of forced primes, and output those sets assigning an index
to each one (for use by '-b' below).

If "-b100" is specified, it will find the set of batch allocations of
forced primes with index 100, and run the normal calculations only
over that batch.

If "-j1" is specified, it will use "strategy 1" when determining the
next position to which to allocate another prime power (default
"strategy 0"). For D(120,2) with pattern "2^7 3^4", for example,
strategy 0 will pick the second position and start allocating p^2,
since it has the highest remaining tau to fulfill; strategy 1 will
pick the first position and start allocating p^4, since it has the
highest prime dividing the remaining tau to fulfill. "-j2" uses
"strategy 2", which is the opposite of "strategy 0": it looks for
the _lowest_ remaining tau to fill. "-j3" uses "strategy 3", which
is identical to "strategy 0" except that if the last allocation at
some position was a) unforced, and b) the square root of the remaining
(even) tau, that position will automatically be picked.
"-j1" is the default when n is divisible by at least two distinct odd
primes; "-j0" is the default in all other cases.

If "-I..." is specified, the argument should be a pattern of the same
form as that generated for progress lines. All prime powers specified
are then forced into place.

If "-m9=5" is specified, the first element of the sequence v_0 is
forced to satisfy v_0 == 5 (mod 9). This option may be specified
multiple times. Note that this means only that allocations will be
rejected if they are not consistent with the modular constraints:
we do not preemptively work out what allocations would be required
for consistency.

Specifying "-d" enables debugging. By default, progress is shown on the
terminal every 1 seconds (see "DIAG" in coul.c), overwriting the previous
progress line each time. With "-d", it instead shows progress at every
step on a new line (but only a single line for walk_v()). If "-d" is
specified twice, a line is shown for each iteration of walk_v().

<n> and <k> are mandatory arguments, specifying that we want to search
for D(n, k) (equivalently T(n/2, k) in the terminology of A292580).
<n> must be a positive even integer; <k> must be a positive integer.
Note that this code is optimized for relatively small values of <n>,
targetting 2 <= n <= 100; much higher n may require a lot of memory
and long start-up times.


See the wiki page <,k)-calculation>.