An android project to query/update GeoIp database
This project is for me to learn Streams, NDK, and for fun.
- learn how to build ndk and sign apk with android gradle-experimental
- how to fetch the internet resource with URLConnection
- how to operate the bytes and bits with java and C
- how to use streams
- use org.apache.commons:commons-compress to handle tar.gz
- how to use rxjava for handle events
- 使用gradle-experimental编译NDK
- 网络下载,进度显示
- 使用Stream转换:InputStream->GZIPInputStream->TarArchiveInputStream
- 获取本机IP:
- GeoIp2数据库:
- GitHub:
- ITEye博客:
- 新浪微博:
- QQ: 377406997
- Gmail: [email protected]
- Foxmail: [email protected]