3kManga is the final project for our Bachelor Program in University of Greenwich in Ho Chi Minh City Campus. It is a social media website for sharing and reading comic. The website's goal is to eradicate a common issue with comic websites, which is relying too much on a separate forum or third-party services to provide discussion space for readers.
Our website solve the problem by having its own community section where users can share their opinion on the comics. The core features of the website include:
- Browsing and reading comic
- Uploading comic
- Community features
- Administering data
This repository is the back-end ASP.NET Web API for the 3kManga website. To view the front-end ReactJS, please visit here.
This Web API use the following technologies for development:
- ASP.NET Core Web API
- Entity Framework Core
- PostgreSQL
- Cloudinary
We have deployed the API with Render here. You can also visit the website on Vercel here.
To run the API locally, follow the steps below:
- Clone the project.
git clone [email protected]:huynhloc-1110/BakaMangaAPI.git
- Change the shell location to the inner BakaMangaAPI directory. Then, set the default connection string in your user secret to your PostgreSQL local instance.
dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection" "Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=<database_name>;User Id=<user_id>;Password=<password>"
- Init the database.
dotnet ef database update
- Run the project.
dotnet run
When run locally, data is stored in the PostgreSQL local instance and images are
stored in the wwwroot