- Simple python bulk mailer script.
- Based and inspired from python-mailer & Jonathan Bydendyk
Send bulk html emails from the commandline or in your python3 script by specifying a database of recipients in csv form, a html template with var placeholders and a subject line.
- python >= 3.x
Edit the config file before running the script:
$ nano config.py
The simplest method of sending out a bulk email.
Run a test to predefined test_recipients:
$ ./py3mailer -t /path/to/html/file.html /path/to/csv/file.csv 'Email Subject'
Send the actual email to all recipients:
$ ./py3mailer -s /path/to/html/file.html /path/to/csv/file.csv 'Email Subject'
Alernatively import the Py3Mailer class into your own code:
from py3mailer import Py3Mailer py3mailer = Py3Mailer('/path/to/html/file.html' '/path/to/csv/file.csv' 'Email Subject') # send a test email py3mailer.send_test() # send bulk mail py3mailer.send()
Example of using placeholders in your html email:
<!DOCTYPE html>
- <html lang="en">
<head> </head> <body> <br>
Test HTML Email to <!--mail--><br> <p>Hi
<!--name-->, This is a test email from Py3mailer</p><p>column3=<!--colum3--></p> <p>column4=<!--colum4--></p>
Every column of the csv file may be used as a placeholder. Placeolders are for example ${name} or ${title}. The special columns "reciver" and "sender" are created automatically and contain the complete reciver and sender names, including the email address.
Example of how the csv file should look:
name,email,column3,column4 Someones Name,[email protected],column3,column4 ,[email protected],column3, ,[email protected],,
The csv file should have a header with column names. - One column should be 'name' with the complete name of the reciver. - One column must be 'email' with the email address. - No column should be called 'receiver' or 'sender', as these are internally used.