This project is my attempt at the following task:
Your challenge is to write a piece of automation to run against a remote Ubuntu server. This should patch the server, reboot the server, and display the servers up time.
In order to make the project easily runnable I have used vagrant to provision both a ubuntu desktop machine (the control machine that the automation can be run from) and a ubuntu server (the remote machine that should be patched and rebooted by the automation.) The Vagrantfile used here has been tested on both a mac and windows machine running version 5.0.18 of virtual box and version 1.8.1 of vagrant.
You should be able to set up the two virtual machines described above by running the following command:
vagrant up
Once that completes you should have a ubuntu desktop machine (control) and a ubuntu server (remote.) You can log into the desktop/control machine using vagrant as both the username and password. Once you have logged in you should be able to run the automation by running the following commands:
cd ansible-test
ansible-playbook patch.ubuntu.yaml -i inventory