ROS wrapper for Stereolabs cameras (ZED 2, ZED 2i, and ZED Mini) dedicatet for CPU. Based on Stereolabs zed-open-capture repository. Repository delivers only video capture and IMU data. For more advanced data, please refer to the original repository from Stereolabs zed-ros-wrapper
mkdir -p ros_ws/src
cd ros_ws
git clone src/zed-cpu
- Install HIDAPI and LIBUSB libraries:
sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev libhidapi-libusb0 libhidapi-dev
- Install OpenCV:
sudo apt install libopencv-dev libopencv-viz-dev
- Install ROS dependencies:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Stereo cameras such as ZED 2 and ZED Mini have built-in sensors (e.g. IMU) that are identified as USB HID devices.
To be able to access the USB HID device, you must add a udev rule contained in the udev
cd src/zed-cpu/udev
cd ~/ros_ws
source ~/ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch zed_cpu zed.launch
The given IMU and Magnetometer data are expressed in the RAW coordinate system as show below